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7 Things: Ivey lays out her agenda, Biden rants about the Confederacy, hard-hitting ad buy targets Britt and more …

7. Biden’s education secretary targeted parents

  • Reportedly, the letter sent by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) where parents were accused of being domestic terrorists for protesting at school board meetings was actually solicited by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. 
  • There were email exchanges between NSBA, the Justice Department and the White House earlier than previously known. This report supports the initial suspicions that parents were targeted in the exchange, despite denial from the federal government. While emails indicate that Cardona solicited the letter, the department has officially denied the claim. 

6. Special session for money the state didn’t need is coming

  • As Alabama is still unsure of how excess federal funds from the American Rescue Plan will be spent, House Speaker Mac McCutcheon (R-Monrovia) has said that there’s still a possibility of a special session happening during the regular season to deal with this. 
  • McCutcheon advised that leadership will be meeting with Governor Kay Ivey possibly later this week to decide how to proceed, but he emphasized, “We do not want it to become a part of a budget line item that is a continuing expense. And so, we’ve got to be very careful on how we approach it.”

5. Republican Party chairman supports constitutional carry

  • The Alabama Legislature has started its 2022 session, and it’s expected to take up the issue of doing away with concealed carry permits and allowing constitutional carry. Alabama Republican Party chairman John Wahl has announced his support for the legislation. 
  • Wahl said that with the Biden administration and current Democrat efforts, “it has become even more important that we have leadership on the state level that will defend our rights and values.” He went on to add, “The people of Alabama should never be charged a fee for exercising their constitutional right.” This issue has become controversial as sheriffs across Alabama have voiced opposition to the idea. 

4. Tuberville questioned Fauci during a contentious hearing

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci was questioned by U.S. Senators over matters related to the coronavirus pandemic at the Senate Health Committee hearing. U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) mainly focused on who has authority in the handling of the pandemic. 
  • Tuberville asked, “If you have a problem, who do you go to?” He then went on to ask, “Who is the head coach of this virus…whether it’s in the administration or one of you? Dr. Fauci, who do you go to?” During the hearing, Fauci was also questioned by U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), which led to heated remarks where Fauci said, “This happens all the time. You personally attack me, with absolutely not a shred of evidence of anything you say. So I would like to make something clear to the committee: You’re doing this for political reasons.”

3. First negative ad buy is out against Britt, and it’s a good one

  • As was expected for this time of year, the Club for Growth PAC has released a negative attack ad against U.S. Senate candidate Katie Britt. This is part of a $2.3 million TV and mail ad campaign. 
  • The ad compares Britt to U.S. Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) and goes on to say, “Britt might not say it, but she’s really a lobbyist. And the special interest group she ran endorsed liberal Democrat Terri Sewell, who voted to impeach Trump and backed Nancy Pelosi against the Trump agenda.” The ad finishes by saying, “Like Donald Trump, Jr. said, Katie Britt is the Alabama Liz Cheney.”

2. Old man yelling about Jefferson Davis turns out to be President of the U.S.

  • President Joe Biden went down to Georgia looking to gain support for his push to both end the filibuster and federalize elections. While giving a speech, Biden declared he was “tired of being quiet” and started yelling about the battle lines on this issue. He asked, “How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? On the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”
  • As unconvincing as that was, Biden also declared himself an “institutionalist” as he argued for eliminating the filibuster to pass partisan legislation which would definitely change the way the U.S. Senate operates.

1. Ivey gives State of the State 

  • Last night, Governor Kay Ivey delivered the State of the State address, which also marked the beginning of the legislative session. 
  • During her address, Ivey focused on the accomplishments of the gas tax projects, pay raises for state employees, teachers, a bonus for state retirees’ education proposals, and continued to criticize President Joe Biden’s overreach during the coronavirus pandemic.

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