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7 Things: Durant in free-fall as Britt bends the public to her will, Alabama looking at changes to abortion laws if Roe v. Wade gets overturned and more …

7. Taliban did not keep their word and will continue to treat women badly

  • In Afghanistan over the weekend, women were ordered to cover their bodies from head to toe, including their faces, by the Taliban. The order also stated that women in the country were only to leave their homes when necessary and dress code violations would result in punishment against male relatives.
  • The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan released a statement saying, “This decision contradicts numerous assurances regarding respect for and protection of all Afghans’ human rights, including those of women and girls, that had been provided to the international community by Taliban representatives during discussions and negotiations over the past decade.”

6. Media smiles as churches and justices come under attack

  • There have recently been pro-choice activists protesting the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade outside the homes of U.S. Supreme Court justices as well as outside of churches. The activist group Ruth Sent Us encouraged and invited people to join in these types of protests over the weekend. A church was vandalized in Colorado, another church was “swarmed” in New York City, a service in Los Angeles was interrupted, and an anti-abortion group in Wisconsin was attacked as well.
  • Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanagh had visits from protesters outside of their homes. In a social media post from Ruth Sent us, the group describes the six conservative judges as “extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe.” One pro-abortion protester outside of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Manhattan yelled, “I’m killing the babies!” as she waved dolls around.

5. Birth control is not going to be banned 

  • Mississippi has confirmed that it would move to ban abortion in the state if Roe v. Wade were overturned. Governor Tate Reeves was asked about the potential of outlawing birth control methods in the future, and he did not directly answer the question.
  • Reeves was asked by CNN host Jake Tapper if birth control methods such as intrauterine devices (IUD) or plan B would be banned at some point, and Reeves answered, “That is not what we are focused on at this time. We’re focused on looking at, seeing what the court allows for, the bill that is before the court is a 15-week ban. We believe that the overturning of Roe is the correct decision by the court.”

4. No, there will not be a national abortion law

  • Both U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are prepared to pursue already dead abortion measures as the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to overturn Roe v. Wade. There has been some discussion about whether a federal law legalizing abortion would be an option, but U.S. Representative Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) has advised that the support for such a law doesn’t exist.
  • Moore said he doesn’t “think that they’ve got the votes. He added, “I think this Roe v. Wade, if they try that, it’s going to fall on deaf ears, I think it’s going to die just like the other egregious votes this year.” The real test will be how the media messaging affects this issue and how it plays in the 2022 midterms.

3. They will not change Alabama’s abortion law, intentions be damned

  • State Representative Terri Collins (R-Decatur) has confirmed that there could be exceptions added to the Alabama abortion ban that would make a large portion of people happy and maintain a ban.
  • Collins has also made it clear that the ban passed in 2019 was done in an effort to get Roe v. Wade overturned, and said, “[I]t said that baby in the womb was a baby, was a child, was a person, and it didn’t matter how it was conceived. But in our law is that how we want our law? Do we want it to be that rigid? When people are under those extreme, extreme circumstances…Should families, doctors, everyone have a choice in those awful circumstances? That would be up to the legislature to decide.”

2. “I do whatever I need to do” should be Mike Durant’s campaign slogan

  • U.S. Senate candidate Mike Durant was recently criticized for not denouncing the Lincoln Project, but now he has denounced the organization by saying he doesn’t “even really know what the Lincoln Project is.”
  • Durant made the comments while at a political event in Phenix City. He went on to say, “I have no association with it. I denounce it, I do whatever I need to do. I’m pro-Trump, I always have been.” Durant later added, “[T]hese are just the things they are doing to me to defeat me because I’m the outsider. I am the person that isn’t reaching in someone else’s pocket.”

1. Britt has taken the lead in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race

  • In Alabama’s U.S. Senate race, new polling indicates that candidate Katie Britt has taken a commanding lead. The survey was commissioned by Britt-aligned ForestPAC and conducted by McLaughlin & Associates. The sample size for the survey was 500. The results showed that Britt was first with 38.6%, while Mike Durant has fallen to 27.4% and U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) was at 22.0%. The survey also showed that there were still 12.0% of voters undecided.
  • A new poll comes from a group that does polling for the National Republican Senate Committee and, in the past, U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn). It finds that Durant is falling in the race and Britt has taken the lead. According to this poll, Durant and Brooks are tied at 20% and Britt is at 27%. This race is still open, but Britt appears to be in the driver’s seat.

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