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7 Things: Doug Jones says Democrats have momentum for 2022 midterms, Rogers warns that China is a national security threat and more …

7. UAB being sued by a student over alleged inaction after alleged rape by an athlete

  • A lawsuit filed alleges that a student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham was raped by a football player and when the rape was reported, the university failed to behave correctly. The university is being sued for violation of Title IX obligations, gender discrimination, negligence and breach of contract.
  • The student also alleges that after she reported the rape to campus police, she was walked back to her dorm and told, “[I]t happens.” UAB is disputing these allegations pretty forcefully, stating, “UAB strongly disagrees with assertions made in the lawsuit recently filed in relation to a current case under review by our Title IX Office.”

6. Details of a horrific crime in rural Dadeville involving illegal immigrant

  • A driver witnessed a 12-year-old walking down a rural country road and stopped to pick her up, which set off a chain of events that uncovered a horrific crime scene where a woman and a male child under 14 were murdered.
  • The young girl was tied to a bedpost, fed alcohol and assaulted in a mobile home before she chewed off her restraints (breaking her braces) and escaped. An already-deported illegal immigrant, Jose Paulino Pascual-Reyes, was arrested in Auburn within 24 hours of the girl being found and has been charged with three counts of murder, two counts of corpse abuse and one count of kidnapping.

5. Saban helping Tuberville and Manchin partner on proposed NIL law

  • While U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) may not be a very popular man with some Republicans in Washington, D.C., Alabama’s junior U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) is ready to work with him to create a bill focusing on name, image and likeness (NIL) with an assist from Alabama head football coach Nick Saban.
  • Saban has expressed his frustration with the NIL policy and claimed that rival coaches were violating the spirit of the policy to recruit athletes to their schools. In a previous interview, Tuberville noted, “I’ve talked to all my [coaching] buddies. They’ve never seen anything like it. When you don’t have guidelines and direction, no matter what you are doing, you are lost. They are all lost right now.”

4. Former ALGOP Party chairwoman who backed Mo Brooks calls for unity, supports Katie Britt

  • Terry Lathan has a long history in the Alabama Republican Party, and she tossed her support behind U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) in the ALGOP primary. But now that that race is over, she is letting her support for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Katie Britt be known. She argued that the Republicans’ path to taking back the House and Senate starts in Alabama with a Britt victory.
  • In a column, Lathan wrote, “We have spoken together about the importance of upholding the values of our GOP platform and what’s at stake for our nation as we are at a perilous tipping point from Democrat policies. Katie is strongly on board to be an anchor for our goals.”

3. Biden signs executive order on abortion

  • After a jubilant media and White House celebrated the win for abortion in Kansas, the President of the United States signed an executive order that would use government resources to help pay for women to travel to states that have more lax abortion laws.
  • The obvious response to this came from reporters who noted that the order violated the Hyde Amendment, which forbids federal funds from being used for abortion, to which the White House had little rationalization. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said there was no real plan and they would, “[C]ome up with the details on the specifics on how they’re gonna work with states.” Jean-Pierre then undercut this entire order by noting, “[Medicaid coverage] also includes abortion care in certain circumstances, as accepted by the Hyde Amendment, which is rape, incest and life of the mother.” Obviously, abortion tourism doesn’t fit here.

2. China is a real threat to America’s supply chain 

  • With House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) heading to Taiwan in defiance of the Chinese government’s wishes, the growing rift between that nation and the United States could spill into a battle for global dominance and potentially a shooting war. U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) says the threat is real and now, with the supply chain and national security matters threatening America’s safety and economy.
  • Rogers told Fox News’ Trey Gowdy, “China has global aspirations,” adding, “Their Belt and Road initiative is a 50-year initiative to become both an economic and a military superpower, and we’ve got to recognize that is our pacing threat.” The dire tone from Rogers is intentional because our supply chain has been too reliant on China’s cooperation. He outlined, “[W] e’ve got to recognize that being able to feed and clothe ourselves in this country is a matter of national security, and we can’t depend on other countries to be able to help us do that. Militarily or otherwise.”

1. Doug Jones says Democrats have momentum

  • Former U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook) reacted to the election results on Tuesday night, claiming that momentum was now on the side of Democrats. He specifically cited the results of the Kansas abortion referendum that left the right to an abortion in the state’s constitution. But, far more Republicans voted in that Kansas election, so the abortion vote may not be the indicator Jones is pretending it is.
  • Oddly, Jones appears to be implying that Latino voters were turned off by “ultra-MAGA” candidates, even though all polling seems to indicate that Latino voters are moving towards the GOP in a significant way.

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