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7 Things: Dems push pardons, paroles for users, murderers; Brooks blames Shelby for large part of US debt; and more …

7. Sessions still arguing to end our immigration chaos

  • Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions may not be leading the DOJ or in the U.S. Senate, but that doesn’t keep him from describing the issues at the border more accurately than most who are pretending they are handling the root causes of the matter.
  • During a recent interview with the Center for Immigration Studies’ “Parsing Immigration Policy” podcast, Sessions said, “It’s difficult to overstate how tough it was for the Trump administration to make the progress. Lawsuits were filed, of course. As attorney general, we dealt with them and defended the president’s actions.” He also noted how bad the Biden administration has failed the people, “We began to win cases and change policies. The success was real and numbers fell. And it was thrown away by this administration. What they did exceeds anything imaginable to me.”

6. Demand for racism continues to outpace the supply 

  • There was a threat to kill people at a fair in Opelika, Ala., posted on Facebook that read, “we’re coming to [the] Opelika Alabama fair to kill every NEGRO that we lay eye contact on so be prepared. WHITE POWER.” Unsurprisingly, the poster was not a Klansman from Alabama ready to start a race war, it was a false threat meant to inflame racial tensions that did not exist.
  • A Black man, Pharrell Smith, 18, of Lafayette, La., has been arrested for posting the message along with some white supremacist imagery and will be charged with making a terroristic threat once he is released from custody in Louisiana.

5. Walker tries the OJ Simpson “If I did it” defense

  • There is no question that Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Georgia Herschel Walker could have handled the abortion he almost certainly paid for years ago better. Yesterday, Walker decided to tell a friendly interviewer, “Had that happened, I would have said it, because it’s nothing to be ashamed of there. You know, people have done that, but I know nothing about it. And if I knew about it, I would be honest and talk about it.”
  • Do voters care? Probably not and that drives the media crazy. USA Today‘s Rex Hupke sums up their anger at Republicans, for not turning on Walker, “Like the many Republicans who’ve rushed in to stick up for Walker in the wake of the abortion news, I don’t care if the former football star is an ancient, trans-dimensional, shape-shifting entity of pure evil that takes the form of a clown named Pennywise and terrorizes a small town in Maine. I want control of the Senate, and I’m sure Walker regrets any past desire to feed on humans.”

4. I mean, they got Al Capone for tax evasion, too

  • Hunter Biden, the no-good son of a president, may be seeing justice for some of his actions, after all. Biden has been in legal limbo for years even though there has been plenty of evidence of obvious illegality on his part, and the part of his family, including President Joe Biden. Now the FBI might come knocking as if he was a pro-life protestor and needed to be taken down.
  • For months, FBI agents believe there was sufficient evidence to charge him with gun crimes and tax crimes. Because these two angles are inconvenient to the media and their Democrats, expect a lot of coverage to be given to the fact that the decision-maker here was “appointed by Donald Trump.”

3. Mo Brooks is swinging on his way out the door 

  • As U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) is preparing to leave public office, he is continuing to say the same things he has been saying for decades. Brooks said, “the economy is tied to this horrendous national debt that the United States Congress and the White House keeps racking up, and ultimately it can result in the demise of a nation that took over two centuries to build.”
  • Brooks isn’t blaming everyone for this. He cites Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) and Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) as some who also care about the debt. But he specifically called out U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Tuscaloosa) saying, “I would challenge anybody to come up with another name who’s been more responsible for this out-of-control spending than our own United States senator from Alabama Richard Shelby.”

2. State Rep. Chris England wants murderers to get paroled

  • Alabama Democrats will take the national Democrats’ toxic “Defund the Police” rhetoric and raise the temperature by suggesting maybe we should let some career criminals, murderers, rapists and monsters out of jail.
  • After a fruitless prison strike in Alabama prisons, State Rep. Chris England (D-Tuscaloosa) says none of their demands were unreasonable, including inmates’ demand to end life without parole – which is reserved for murderers and criminals with multiple offenses. He chose the word “unreasonable” because Gov. Kay Ivey referred to them that way.

1. Whoever is controlling Biden got him to pardon people for pot possession

  • There is no question that the desire, some would argue self-defeating desire, to normalize recreational drug use is popular. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that an unpopular president leading an unpopular political party would try to jump on the bandwagon. Amusingly, President Joe Biden’s past support for more penalties for drug users is well known but this is a new Joe Biden.
  • Biden has pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession, in what promises to be a “first step” towards more lax enforcement and more recreational drug use. Moving marijuana away from heroin and LSD is seen as “progress” but will those drugs follow? Is this good for society? Will the surgeon general support making smoking marijuana legal while demanding we not vape?

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