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7 Things: Biden’s numbers are struggling, Tuberville still unclear on vote to repeal gay marriage ban and more …

7. Britt slams Biden as weak on issues concerning China as Pelosi heads to Asia 

  • As U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is set to visit Taiwan, a trip China has said should be called off, U.S. Senate Republican nominee Katie Britt slammed President Joe Biden for the “weakness” he continues to show toward the Asian superpower.

  • Britt said, “We have got to have leaders that understand that you deter war through strength, and once again we are seeing Joe Biden show total weakness…Our adversaries across the world are watching us. The fact that he wouldn’t stand with Speaker Pelosi and stand and be bullied by the Chinese Communist Party is a disgrace. It’s despicable and unacceptable.”

6. Sessions disagreed with Trump’s criminal justice reform, allegedly

  • In a new book, former White House adviser Jared Kushner will detail some of his interactions with former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According to Kushner, Sessions strongly opposed criminal justice reform.

  • In a portion of the book, Kushner wrote, “Sessions turned to me and in his southern drawl declared, ‘Jared, it’s very simple. If the boy does the crime, you’ve got to lock him up.’ That’s just where he was.” Kushner also alleged that Sessions attempted to put “poison pills” in the legislation that would create more opposition. Kushner wrote, “I realized that he would try to subvert us at every single turn, making a nearly impossible task even harder.”

5. Closed primaries are probably headed for Alabama

  • The Alabama Legislature is expected to consider closing Alabama’s primaries and requiring voters to register under a preferred political party. 

  • During a recent appearance on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal,” State Senator Chris Elliott (R-Daphne) advised, “I think what you’ve seen in a number of races this year…you saw probably the best-documented case of organized Democrats voting against a Republican incumbent for the purpose of swaying the outcome of the primary.” He later added, “[W] e’ve got to look at whether or not that type of action – that clear involvement of the other party’s activists playing and affecting the outcome of a party function – is something we’re going to continue to allow.”

4. Al-Qaeda leader killed over the weekend

  • It’s been reported that al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri was killed by the United States over the weekend. President Joe Biden confirmed the report during a national address on Monday night.

  • A senior administration official reported, “[T]he United States conducted a counterterrorism operation against a significant al Qaeda target in Afghanistan. The operation was successful and there were no civilian casualties.”

3. Mexicans have had enough of Americans invading their country — seriously

  • In a very strange turnabout, some of the native Mexican population appears to be getting rather testy with an influx of Americans making the country their work-from-home hotspot. The Americans seem to be drawn to the country because of the cheaper cost of living and are using their employer’s flexibility to make a go of it in places like Mexico City.

  • The number of Americans heading south, mostly from California, is running into local opposition in the form of fliers that read, “New to the city? Working remotely? You’re a f—ing plague and the locals f—ing hate you. Leave.” Hilariously, there are even Mexicans upset that the English language is being spoken more than Spanish is.

2. Tuberville: Government shouldn’t be involved in marriage

  • U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) recently stated that he’s not interested in outlawing same-sex marriage in the country, but he’s argued the Respect for Marriage Act is a distraction. It still isn’t clear how Tuberville will vote on the bill that would repeal a currently blocked bill banning gay marriage.

  • Tuberville said that same-sex marriage legislation was “not the federal government’s job,” adding, “We’ve got so many problems that we’re spending time on this now when there was no problem to begin with. Don’t go to a problem when you don’t have one, and the Democrats are just trying to create one to make the Republicans look bad right before the election. And they’re not going to win this battle.”

1. Biden’s approval is lower than any recent presidents

  • As President Joe Biden continues to test positive for COVID-19, data from a Gallup poll reveals Biden now has the lowest approval rating of any modern president in their sixth quarter at only 38%. When Biden’s presidential term started, he held an approval rating of 57%.

  • In June of 2022, Biden’s approval rating was at 41%, showing a three-point decline in only a month. According to the poll, 45% of people strongly disapprove of Biden’s job performance, and 13% of people strongly approve. Another poll shows former President Donald Trump beating both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in head-to-head matchups.

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