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7 Things: Biden seethes, Alabama Democrats try to scold voters, and more …

7. You could just go to the polls on Tuesday

  • In our never-ending attempt to imply that voting is hard, here is your 1,000th reminder that today is the last day to apply to get an absentee ballot. Those turning their ballots in by hand have until the 7th to do so, those mailing them in have until the 8th at noon to get there.
  • Polls are also open on next Tuesday all over the state from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and they have staffed and secured places available for you to fill out and submit your ballot on Election Day.

6. Nicholas Cruz gets life in prison, it is an injustice

  • Murderous scumbag school shooter Nicholas Cruz killed 17 and injured more but, because he had a rough childhood, prosecutors took the death penalty off the table. He will now spend the rest of his life in prison.
  • Lori Alhadeff, the mother of 14-year-old victim Alyssa Alhadeff, said it best, “You robbed Alyssa (of) a lifetime of memories. Alyssa will never graduate from high school. Alyssa will never go to college, and Alyssa will never play soccer. She will never get married and she will never have a baby. My hope for you is that you are miserable for the rest of your pathetic life. My hope for you is that the pain of what you did to my family burns and traumatizes you every day.”

5. Bruce Pearl made people mad because he had an opinion

  • Auburn’s head basketball coach angered sportswriters and blue checkmarks on Twitter by daring to suggest that he was a “Big Fan” of conservative commentator Candace Owens
  • Most ignored the fact that the article was actually critical of Owens’ silence on her friend Kanye West’s anti-semitic comments. Again, Pearl is literally calling out Candace Owens for being silent, and these clowns are just mad he agrees with a conservative.

4. 75 basis point increase on interest rates, every loan is now more expensive 

  • Borrowing money continues to get more expensive as the Federal Reserve continues fighting Joe Biden’s inflationary policies by attempting to throttle the economy further.
  • The 75 basis point rate increase is not the last rate increase we will see and Fed Chair Jerome Powell says it would be “very premature” to think was the end of rate hikes and smaller hikes are likely in the future.

3. Asking for video of the arrest of Paul Pelosi’s attacker, you are a conspiracy theorist

  • The Washington Post is now declaring that seeking the police video of the attack on Paul Pelosi is part of an effort to prolong a conspiracy theory about the attack. A national media outlet is advocating a position that less information is better. So, guess we don’t need to see the video of the next police shooting.
  • This same paper reacted to Donald Trump winning the presidency in 2016 by declaring “Democracy dies in the darkness” and then proceeded to pursue every half-assed conspiracy they could against every Republican accused of “wrongdoing.” Now they call on the darkness to be extended.

2. Democrats close in Alabama by being condescending, that should work

  • “Do better” is something millennials say on TikTok when someone wears a piece of clothing from another culture or misgenders a transgender person. Everyone hates it, but Persistence PAC is using that phrase to campaign for Democrats in Alabama.
  • “Come on, Alabama, we can do better,” the ads implore as they suggest that Alabama voters have done something wrong by voting for their values and not the values of the national Democrat Party, so they say, “do better.” Seems unlikely to work BUT this group was successful in picking up a school board seat in Huntsville.

1. Do not question the election or democracy dies

  • President Joe Biden, an embarrassing failure, used a primetime speech to angrily whine that people may not accept the results of an election that has not happened yet. He did not mention Hillary Clinton, who did that in 2016 and 2024, which is two years away. He also suggested that votes will not be counted on election day, and that is totally normal and fine, the Washington Post agrees.
  • Biden did not use the opportunity to mention his “accomplishments.” House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) reacted to the speech by accurately noting that Biden was “dividing the nation instead of uniting it,” he also said Biden will “get a very big wake-up call.”

Don’t forget to join Dale Jackson on Facebook on Election Day!

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