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7 Things: Americans concerned about economy, not ‘MAGA Republicans;’ candidate wants buses to Delaware; and more …

7. Credit card companies need to answer for new gun purchase policies

  • After Visa, American Express, and MasterCard have all announced that they will adopt a policy that classifies gun purchases differently from other sales to make them more identifiable, there are now demands for answers on the new policy.
  • U.S. Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Saks), Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), and Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) have signed a letter with 97 other congressmen concerning the policy. In the letter led by U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), they state, “A gun control advocate could view any desire to own or obtain a firearm as per se suspicious. Instead, this is a transparent attempt to chill the exercise of constitutionally protected rights and to circumvent existing legal restrictions on the creation of firearm registries by the government.”

6. Corrections officer is on leave

  • At the Elmore Correctional Facility, Corrections Officer Ell White has been placed on leave after video was released of the officer beating an inmate, Jimmy K. Norman, on the roof. Norman had been standing on the edge of the roof before White grabbed him and started hitting him, as can be seen on the video.
  • According to the prison system, Norman “had climbed on top of the facility chapel, prompting Officer White and other correctional officers to attempt to escort Norman off the roof.” The Alabama Department of Corrections has confirmed an investigation into the incident is underway.

5. Shelby is celebrating how well Huntsville is doing

  • While visiting the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Tuscaloosa) highlighted the improvements that have been made in Huntsville and the business that’s been attracted to the area.
  • Shelby said that the FBI “like what you have here. Everything is on the cutting edge that is going to come here.” Shelby also said that the decision for U.S. Space Command headquarters to come to Huntsville “was a wise one. I thought the selection committee did it on merit. When we’ve gone back and looked on it that’s been reinforced so far. Politics does play a role here. We have to be alert that it’s not here yet but hope it will come. Things are in place. The steps thus far are good.”

4. Britt endorsed by national pro-life group

  • Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Katie Britt has been endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America’s Candidate Fund (SBA). SBA President Marjorie Dannenfelser said “Britt is an outspoken advocate for the unborn and we could not be more excited to welcome her to the ranks of pro-life women in Washington.”
  • Britt has been outspoken about her pro-life views throughout her candidacy. In response to the endorsement, Britt said, “I will work as Alabama’s U.S. senator to deliver comprehensive solutions that address the hurdles moms and families face so they can make life-affirming decisions and prosper throughout all stages of life.” On a related note, Britt’s campaign had $1.2 million on hand in the latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing from July.

3. U.S. Rep. Carl wants to bring federal attention to the fentanyl issue

  • In a guest column in Yellowhammer News, U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl (D-Mobile) calls attention to the toll of the opioid epidemic in general and fentanyl in particular. He correctly notes that “[t]he statistics are alarming – fentanyl overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 45.”
  • His piece notes how deadly the drug is, how children are being targeted and how this issue needs to be addressed. Carl said “border security is national security” and calls for building the wall at the southern border, as well as full funding for ICE and border patrol by building the wall.

2. Alabama should start sending migrants to Delaware

  • Republican nominee for the Fifth Congressional District Dale Strong has recently suggested sending busloads of migrants to Delaware, similar to what Govs. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) and Greg Abbott (R-Texas) have done recently.
  • Strong said, “I think the biggest thing is take 50 busloads to Delaware and maybe that’ll open the president’s eyes.” Strong went on to say, “The big thing that we’ve got to do is we’ve got to stop these illegals from coming across the border. It’s taxing our health care, it’s taxing our education, and it’s just a never-ending cost to the American taxpayer…you start looking at the heroin and fentanyl that’s coming across the southern border; it’s affecting every family. It’s affecting every family and they’ve turned a blind eye to it.”

1. People aren’t really concerned about “MAGA Republicans”

  • A new Harvard-CAPS Harris poll has shown that a majority of people are not concerned with “MAGA Republicans,” but rather with inflation, crime, immigration, energy prices, and abortion. There were also 45% of respondents who said they were not concerned with “MAGA Republicans,” despite President Joe Biden’s focus in recent speeches. In fact, more Americans are concerned with the “socialist left.”
  • The poll also found that 61% of people believe that the country is currently on the “wrong track,” compared to the 32% who believe it’s on the “right track;” 54% of respondents said their current financial situation is getting worse, and 59% believe that Biden has discussed “MAGA Republicans” to “avoid talking about inflation, immigration, crime and other issues.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article has been updated.

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