7. Birmingham TV anchor commits suicide, online monsters pounce
- Sad news for the broadcasting field as ABC 33/40’s Christopher Sign apparently committed suicide on Saturday evening. Sign started his broadcast career in Birmingham before heading to Phoenix and eventually returning. He leaves behind a wife and three kids.
- While in Phoenix, Sign broke the news that former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch met in the middle of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server. This story has led to some online suggesting the Clintons had something to do with his death.
6. Democrats continue to deal with Ilhan Omar’s ridiculousness
- At the end of last week, U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) drew fire from her fellow Democrats and many Republicans for equating Hamas and the Taliban to Israel and the United States. Hamas didn’t like being compared to Israel and the United States, either.
- Omar was defiant, and “The Squad” came to her defense before she attempted to walk back her absurd comments. That acquiescence apparently placated the media and their Democrats as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) declared the matter dealt with, stating, “We welcome the clarification by Congresswoman Omar that there is no moral equivalency between the U.S. and Israel and Hamas and the Taliban.”
5. Brooks warns that U.S. Senate race will get negative
- Katie Britt, the former chief of staff for U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL), entered the Republican U.S. Senate race last week and received her former boss’ endorsement. U.S. Representative Mo Brook (R-Huntsville) says that the negativity will have to start flowing soon after polling shows him out to a big lead.
- Brooks said, “Katie Britt’s people are probably a bit more clever in that regard and will have third-party groups that will attack on her behalf. But both of the candidates have done polling to determine which attacks are the most effective with the voters.” Britt responded to the suggestion on Twitter, saying, “Bless his heart, it appears that Mo has trouble with the truth. I’m focused on showing the people of our state how I will fight tirelessly to put #AlabamaFirst, grow opportunities for hardworking Alabama families, secure the border & hold China accountable.”
4. No one at the Trump DOJ says they knew anything about Democrats’ records being seized
- Brand new accusations of misdeeds at the Trump Department of Justice are flying as claims that U.S. Representatives Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) appear to have had their records seized while the DOJ was hunting leakers to media outlets and those two were pretty good suspects.
- Former Attorney Generals Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein have all said they know nothing about the seizing of these records. Because this is the Trump DOJ and not the Obama DOJ, expect the American media to have a different perspective when it comes to potential misdeeds than they had during the investigations in the Obama DOJ.
3. G7 ends with a liberal wishlist being promised by global leaders
- The general takeaway of this year’s G7 was “Biden is not Trump and we like America now,” and some polling backs this up. The leaders of some of the world’s most powerful countries made promises they have no desire to actually keep in holding Russia and China at bay while fighting climate change and protecting Democracy.
- The world leaders did agree to let America buy the world some vaccines and some referred to Biden’s team as a “pro-European administration” with a limited time “to cement a solid transatlantic economic and security partnership.” To show you how embarrassing this was, United Kingdom PM Boris Johnson gave a speech quoting Biden’s “build back better” and even called for a “greener, more gender-neutral, and perhaps a more feminine way.”
2. As Alabama and other states target Critical Race Theory, advocates offer multiple defenses
- It seems pretty clear that America is heading towards a massive multi-front fight on the issue of Critical Race Theory being taught in schools across this country. States like Florida have already banned the practice, candidates and incumbents for the U.S. Senate and Congress are being pressed on the issue, and school boards are also facing the issue.
- State Representative Chris Pringle (R-Mobile) is working on a bill to stop it in Alabama. He advised, “It’s simply a bill that says in public education, you can’t teach or indoctrinate our children with critical race theory.” As the numbers of those opposing the program grow, some are arguing the issue is one of academic freedom. Some are pretending it doesn’t exist while others argue it is a GOP obsession, which is a move reminiscent of how the media handles Antifa.
1. Alabama lagging on vaccinations
- Alabama’s health professionals continue to fret about how Alabama’s coronavirus vaccinations continue to lag with Alabama being one of eight states seeing an increase in coronavirus cases over the last two weeks. But Dr. Kiersten Kennedy, chief of hospital medicine at UAB, said the concerns aren’t an issue yet. Kennedy said, “We are experiencing these tiny peaks and valleys. I would say on the whole things have remained pretty stable which is really reassuring.”
- The fact remains that Alabama continues to have the second-lowest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the United States at 36% fully vaccinated and far short of the 70% of adults the White House said it wanted to be vaccinated by July 4.