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7 Things: Alabama Republicans call for Biden to resign, 13 Americans dead after terrorist attacks at Kabul airport, another school brings back masks and more …

7. Rogers: We can’t ignore China

  • U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) has brought focus back to the threat that China poses to the United States, saying it’s a “long-term threat.” He argued while there are immediate threats to the country, China can’t be ignored.
  • Rogers described China as a “hostile adversary” and went on to say that “we have got to free ourselves of any kind of [dependence on them] for anything because they are not our friend.” Rogers added that the House Armed Services Committee is “serious” about the threat that China poses.

6. The officer who killed Ashli Babbitt has identified himself

  • After eight months, and complete silence from those who are usually howling about police officers discharging their weapons, the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 has finally been identified. Lt. Michael Byrd shot Babbitt when she was entering a window while unarmed.
  • Byrd said, “I know that day I saved countless lives,” and “I know members of Congress, as well as my fellow officers and staff, were in jeopardy and in serious danger. And that’s my job.” Babbitt was unarmed and coming through a window when shot, but prosecutors said it was justified. They said, “The investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defense or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber”

5. Federal help coming to Dothan

  • In Dothan, Alabama, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will send health care workers to assist a hospital that has seen increasing issues with coronavirus cases in the area. The assistance was announced by State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris.
  • The Dothan hospital also sees patients from Florida and Georgia and recently set a record of 119 coronavirus patients at the hospital. Previously, Harris indicated that he would seek federal help for some areas of Alabama.

4. Shelby County Schools will require masks

  • The growth of coronavirus cases across Alabama has not slowed down much, and now Shelby County Schools have become the next system to require masks in their schools for all staff and students. 
  • The new policy will take effect on August 30. Superintendent Lewis Brooks has said this is a “temporary change” but they “feel strongly it is necessary if we are going to positively impact the rising number of cases in our community.” Brooks added that this is the best way for the school to avoid having to shut down. Not many people think this actually works. It is more theater.

3. U.S. names were given to the Taliban

  • It’s been reported that there was a list of names of U.S. citizens given to the Taliban. Included in the list were also the names of Afghan allies. The list had to be given to the Taliban for these people to be able to go to the airport in Kabul and evacuate.
  • A defense official said that this was essentially “a kill list” based on the Taliban’s past of killing Afghans who helped the U.S. military. In general, there is a sense of shock among most officials that a list of this nature would’ve been turned over to the Taliban.

2. Attack in Afghanistan, multiple Americans dead, Biden offers few answers

  • On Thursday, there were two explosions in Kabul, Afghanistan, and so far, there have been at least 13 U.S. troops and 90 Afghans pronounced dead. It’s expected that those numbers could climb in the coming days.
  • President Joe Biden held a press briefing on the situation in Afghanistan where he gave few answers of substance, but he did say that there would be action taken against ISIS-K, who have taken credit for the attacks. Despite this promise, Biden intends to stick to the August 31 to remove all remaining U.S. citizens.

1. Alabama Republicans want action on Afghanistan quickly and Biden to take responsibility

  • After the attack in Kabul, representatives from Alabama urged President Joe Biden to act quickly in response to the ISIS-K activity. U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-Saks) said that those responsible “have hell to pay.”
  • U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) commented on the attack and fallen soldiers, saying, “WE mourn their lives and pray for the safety of all those serving in Afghanistan.” U.S. Representative Jerry Carl (R-Mobile) said this was “preventable,” and U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said, “Biden should take responsibility for this disgrace and resign immediately.” They aren’t the only ones calling for Biden to pay.

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