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7 Things: Alabama needs partisan school board races, immigration dominates national conversation, and more …

7. Execution of Alan Miller delayed, murderer’s dignity cited

  • The lethal injection execution of convicted murderer Alan Eugene Miller has been delayed by U.S. District Judge R. Austin Huffaker Jr. due to an ongoing protest by Miller over lethal injection and his alleged desire to use the untested nitrogen hypoxia method.

  • Huffaker wrote in his injunction, “Miller will likely suffer irreparable injury if an injunction does not issue because he will be deprived of the ability to die by the method he chose and instead will be forced to die by a method he sought to avoid which he asserts will be painful … It is substantially likely that Miller timely elected nitrogen hypoxia.” Alabama is not prepared to use nitrogen hypoxia for execution, but officials are expected to update soon on when they’re ready.

6. Hunter Biden investigation voted down

  • The House Oversight and Reform Committee presented a resolution to start an investigation into Hunter Biden’s business deals and how they relate to President Joe Biden through document requests, but the resolution was voted down by Democrat members.

  • U.S. Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), a member of the oversight committee, has said, “Oversight Republicans’ ongoing investigation has revealed the Biden family has peddled access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves, and unfortunately, often to the detriment of U.S. interests. It is time for President Biden to answer some questions about his participation in his family’s business schemes with some of our most significant adversaries for years, including the Chinese Communist Party.”

5. In Alabama, 588,000 are eligible for student debt forgiveness

  • More than 600,000 people in Alabama currently have some student loan debt, and the White House has announced that they estimate about 588,000 of those borrowers qualify for debt forgiveness up to $10,000 under President Joe Biden’s debt relief plan.

  • There are about 404,900 borrowers who qualify for up to $20,000. Those who qualify for relief will have to apply once applications open in October. Most recent estimates show that the average individual with student debt could total more than $30,000. This free money for borrowers will have real costs for everyone else with the expected price tag potentially exploding to more than a trillion dollars.

4. We need answers on Eagle Forum

  • U.S. Reps. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover), Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville), Mike Rogers (R-Saks), Jerry Carl (R-Mobile) and Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) have requested more answers from the Department of Justice in regard to the subpoena served to the Eagle Forum of Alabama for its support of the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act.

  • The letter to the DOJ and Attorney General Merrick Garland, the subpoena and efforts are classified as “a form of political harassment.” Palmer has also said, “Constitutional protections should not be dictated by the political views of individuals in the White House and their appointees. Attorney General Merrick Garland owes an explanation for the motives behind this aggressive action against an organization simply petitioning the government on an issue important to them.”

3. A lawsuit has been filed against DeSantis for sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

  • A lawsuit has been filed against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, with the Boston group Lawyers for Civil Rights arguing that DeSantis, the Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Jared Perdue, and the state of Florida broke several laws in transporting migrants.

  • Litigation director of Lawyers for Civil Rights Oren Sellstrom has said, “This cowardly political stunt has placed our clients in peril. Numerous laws were brazenly violated to secure media headlines.” It’s been alleged that migrants were promised opportunities for education, work, and immigration help.

2. Why would we send migrants back to their country of origin?

  • President Joe Biden has been questioned on why the southern border is “more overwhelmed on your watch.” As the immigration crisis has continued, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have denied that there is any issue, and Biden has answered by saying, “Because there are three countries. There are fewer and fewer immigrants coming from Central America than from Mexico. It’s a total different circumstance.”

  • Biden went on to argue that the countries migrants are currently coming from are Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua, “and the ability to send them back to those states is not rational. We’re working with Mexico and other countries to see if we can stop the flow.”

1. Democrats’ Persistence PAC wins another seat on the Huntsville Board of Education

  • After Huntsville Board of Education candidate Angela McClure sought to nationalize the race with drag queens, CRT and liberal indoctrination talk, Andrea Alvarez trounced her 63% to 37% to win the seat in a runoff and signal a chance to shift the board to the left. That gives the Democrats’ Persistence PAC two wins this year with District 4’s Ryan Renaud winning re-election last month.

  • The apathy of these local elections makes it clear that it is time to move these elections to the midterm and presidential primary or general elections while making them partisan seats. This happened in Florida and upped the engagement significantly.

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