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7 Things: Alabama hospitals tried to access employee vaccine records, government school vaccine mandates coming, releasing bad people from Alabama’s prisons isn’t prison reform and more …

7. U.S. Capitol could have a fence again as a lame protest approaches

  • It’s likely that there will be a protest held in Washington, D.C. after the organization “Look Ahead America” has requested a permit for up to 500 people to demonstrate. The protest would be the #JusticeForJ6 rally. The alarmists in the media are attempting to inflame the matter. U.S. Capitol police have requested a fence be put up around the U.S. Capitol, which will probably happen.
  • The group is looking to show support for the people who were arrested during the riot at the U.S. Capitol, but a Capitol police department spokesperson has said “it is not unreasonable to plan for violent altercations with those associated with this demonstration,” adding the group has the ability “to attract domestic extremists” and they show “support for the insurrectionists.” This will be a bust all the way around, and everyone involved, in the event and the freakouts about it, will be embarrassed.

6. Training director at HPD being investigated for fundraising for Darby

  • There was an email sent to all of the Huntsville Police Department trying to raise funds for convicted murderer and former police officer William Ben Darby. The email was sent by Lt. Tesla Hughes, a training director for HPD, detailing how people could buy T-shirts, sweatshirts and pullovers to support Darby. Hughes also testified for Darby at his sentencing hearing.
  • The shirts are being sold by a former Pennsylvania police officer Lisa Mearkle, who shot an unarmed man who was fleeing during a traffic stop. Mearkle was later exonerated from murder charges. Mearkle said she thinks Darby was wrongfully convicted. According to Police Chief Mark McMurray, the email is being investigated, but is “unauthorized” and goes against policy. Darby shot and killed Jeffery Parker in 2018 within 11 seconds after entering the home and he was the third officer on the scene.

5. The Alabama Monument Preservation Act battles aren’t over

  • The lawsuit over the removal of the Confederate monument outside of the Madison County Courthouse in downtown Huntsville was dismissed last week, but Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office has officially objected to the decision to dismiss the lawsuit.
  • The state has said that there are still unanswered questions from Marshall and that the county couldn’t use funds from an anonymous third party to pay the $25,000 fine. Judge Claude Hundley, ⅠⅠⅠ has scheduled a hearing for Friday so the state can present its arguments.

4. The Taliban will let flights leave Kabul

  • The number of Americans still left in Afghanistan continues to change depending on the day, but the Taliban has agreed to let some of them leave. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has confirmed that the reason for grounded planes in Kabul is that “as of now, the Taliban are not permitting the charter flights to depart.” The Taliban has said that “some of the passengers do not have the required documentation.”
  • These are not the only folks stuck in the country. Officials could not say whether or not other Americans and allied nationals will be allowed to leave Mazar-i-Sharif after being stranded for days with their private charters being unable to leave as well.

3. Greg Reed: We need the ability to keep some people in prison

  • State Senate President Pro-Tem Greg Reed (R-Jasper) recently discussed some of the issues in Alabama concerning building new prisons, and he’s bringing attention to the state being able to keep prisons from being too overcrowded so those who need to stay in prison can.
  • Reed said that “number one, we’ve got to have a circumstance that allows bad people to stay in prison for the good of the people of the state of Alabama.” He also advised that the state needs to have a plan in place if the worst happens and the federal government takes control of the prison system.

2. Biden’s speech will call for more government action, it’s already happening

  • With President Joe Biden preparing a major speech to announce a brand new six-part approach to dealing with the coronavirus, he is expected to announce requests for new vaccine mandates, and some are getting in on the act early.
  • The Los Angeles Board of Education has become the first district in the nation that will require those vaccinations of children 12 and older, which follows the exposure of how teachers’ unions forced the CDC to change school reopening guidelines. The Department of Defense has taken their vaccine guidance a step further as well by announcing that all civilian employees will have to show proof of vaccination or be barred from DoD facilities.

1. Vaccine records still won’t be accessible by hospitals

  • Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office has responded to complaints that the immunization database, ImmPRINT, has been used improperly by employers to confirm “compliance with the employer’s immunization requirement,” and it’s been confirmed that there was improper use of the information.
  • Marshall’s office stated, “This privacy violation is unlawful,” arguing that the uses of ImmPRINT are very limited, and verifying compliance with a vaccine requirement is not one of them. The database is meant to be used to avoid giving someone a vaccine they have already received and few other medical purposes. It was not specified which employer had unlawfully accessed the information, but they have been warned that the activity could lead to criminal charges.

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