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7 Things: Alabama averaging over 100 coronavirus deaths per day, America not being put first by Biden at the UN, Ivey optimistic about the special session for prisons and more …

7. Democrats are totally not anti-Semites

  • Not content with attempting to kill an infrastructure bill over the inability to get votes for a much larger spending bill, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party was threatening to kill a short-term government funding bill because of their hatred of Israel.
  • Members of The Squad and other Democrats have demanded the removal of the purely defensive Iron Dome funding that protects Israeli civilians from rockets fired from Islamic terrorists who want them dead because they are Jews. More responsible Democrats seem content to mollify their colleagues in the “Hamas Caucus” by removing the Iron Dome spending and inserting it in another bill to get their votes on this measure.

6. Chick-fil-A scam nets almost half a million dollars in Birmingham

  • Fast food is big business, and skimming-off money from catering orders at one Chick-fil-A on Birmingham’s southside could net the scammers $492,000 between 2018 and 2020.
  • Larry James Black, Jr. pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud after he and his co-conspirator, Joshua Daniel Powell, pocketed money from big orders using a series of fake emails and digital payment accounts to deceive the customers. Black used the money to live a lavish lifestyle and also committed mortgage fraud by using fake social security numbers to obtain a mortgage on a home.

5. Despite migrants coming across the border, Mayorkas insists it’s closed

  • Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had to appear at a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing where he insisted that the southern border is closed but met resistance from U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI). 
  • Johnson singled out Mayorkas, saying, “You stood before this committee and said you would enforce the laws. You have not done that.” The Wisconsin lawmaker was insistent on getting estimates on how many people have been released into the United States since President Joe Biden took office, but Mayorkas was unable to provide a “ballpark” figure. 

4. Alabama didn’t have 100,000 flipped votes

  • My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell recently visited Alabama and met with Secretary of State John Merrill where he alleged that there had been about 100,000 votes in the last election switched due to “Bluetooth” capabilities on the tabulation machines. 
  • Lindell said the Alabama voting system was “hacked…just like every other state,” but Merrill has explained that Lindell misunderstands how the tabulation works in the state. Lindell said the votes were “flipped” by the use of a cellphone, but Merrill said, “All our (voting) machines are custom-built. There’s no modem component. You can’t influence them through a cell phone or a landline. There’s no way they can be probed or numbers manipulated.” He also clearly stated that it’s impossible for votes to change. 

3. Ivey remains optimistic about special session

  • Governor Kay Ivey recently spoke to reporters about the upcoming special session for the Alabama Legislature. She mentioned that she’s encouraged by legislators’ reaction to the session and is optimistic about the session. Ivey went on to say, “Hopefully we can get it done in five days,” which is the minimum to approve legislation. Ivey added that she’s “worked closely with the House and Senate leadership of both parties for several months to address this issue once and for all.”
  • She’s not the only one. State Senate Majority Leader Clay Scofield (R-Guntersville) believes this is a good plan. He advised, “It’s good for the taxpayer, and again, it solves a multi-generational problem that if we solve this, we have really done something I think that will really benefit the people of Alabama, the taxpayers, for hopefully generations to come. That’s what we’re targeting.”

2. Biden isn’t putting America first

  • During a United Nations General Assembly address, President Joe Biden discussed the tense relationship the United States has had with other nations, without naming China and Russia, and other issues the nation has been dealing with throughout the pandemic, and has made it clear that he’s “not seeking the new Cold War, or the world divided into rigid blocks.”
  • Biden also offered a warning that “we will all suffer the consequences of our failures if we don’t come together to tackle COVID-19, climate change or threats like nuclear proliferation.” Biden went on to say that he successfully ended the 20-year war in Afghanistan, ignoring the shortcomings and failures. Later in his address, he made it clear that in all situations, “military power must be our tool of last resort, not our first.”

1. More than 100 coronavirus deaths per day in Alabama

  • Alabama has once again surpassed averaging 100 coronavirus deaths per day, with the current weekly average at 106. The previous high was 154 deaths on January 29. 
  • There have been several days recently where there were 160-250 deaths reported, which has spiked the weekly average. Thankfully, there has been a slow decrease in weekly coronavirus cases and hospitalizations, but the high number of deaths will likely continue as the hospitalizations trail off, as these are lagging indicators. 

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