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7 Things: A foreign nation has interfered to help Biden, Alabama Democrats claim racism (again), Ainsworth tests positive for coronavirus and more …

7. Mitt Romney voted against Trump

  • U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has already voted in the 2020 general election, but he’s revealed that he “did not vote for President Trump.” Romney didn’t share who he voted for.
  • He’s previously said that in 2016, he wrote in his wife Ann Romney instead of voting for Trump. Romney voted to impeach Trump in February 2020.

6. Birmingham is refinancing

  • A statement released by the City of Birmingham shows that they’re currently $179 million in debt, but refinancing so that they can lower their interest and save about $44 million, which has become an important part of Mayor Randall Woodfin’s proposed budget for 2021.
  • Woodfin said that when he initially took office, “the city was not on sound financial footing,” but with this decision, they “have dramatically increased our payment to the pension” that wasn’t being paid on previously. He went on to say that they “have reduced the cost of borrowing money and have strengthened our financial position.”

5. Alabama voting laws restored

  • In a sign of things to come after Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States, District Judge Abdul K. Kallon’s flippant decision to allow curbside voting is the latest voting-related ruling the Supreme Court has overturned. The vote was 5-3.
  • Secretary of State John Merrill responded by reminded people who make laws in America, saying, “During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have worked diligently with local election officials in all 67 counties to offer safe and secure voting methods — including through the in-person and mail-in processes. I am glad the Supreme Court has recognized our actions to expand absentee voting, while also maintaining the safeguards put into place by the state Legislature.”

4. More Biden corruption — media doesn’t care

  • The American media is disinterested, but more Hunter Biden/Joe Biden revelations have surfaced. Delaware Attorney General has forwarded child endangerment concerns to the FBI as former Vice President Joe Biden calls the information a “desperate smear campaign.”
  • The New York Times is trying to sell a “both sides do it” story about a bank account the Trump Organization had in China since 2013 that has been inactive since 2015. The media only stopped pushing that when they started pushing an unverified, debunked Giuliani scandal.

3. Ainsworth tests positive for COVID-19

  • Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth has announced he tested positive for the coronavirus Wednesday afternoon but is asymptomatic currently. In his statement, Ainsworth said that he’s been taking the proper precautions, adding this shows “that even those of us who are the most cautious can be at risk.”
  • Ainsworth has quarantined and will remain quarantined “for the appropriate period and seek follow-up tests to ensure the virus has run its course before resuming public activities.”

2. “Racism is on the ballot”

  • The Macon County Democratic Party has been putting up signs across the area that say “Racism is on the ballot.” The sign portrays a Confederate flag next to a Trump 2020 flag.
  • The bottom of the signs being distributed say “Vote the straight Democratic ticket on Nov 3 and make a difference.” Macon County has regularly voted Democrat. It is known as one of the counties in Alabama that heavily supports U.S. Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL).

1. Election interference is happening and Trump isn’t benefiting

  • Last night, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe held a press conference to let Americans know that the Russians and the Iranians have interfered in the 2020 U.S. presidential election with Iran being behind the obviously faked “Proud Boys” emails that targeted registered Democrats with threats of harm.
  • Russian interference has not yet materialized in any quantitative way, but DNI Ratcliffe said both Iran and Russia have obtained voter data and may use it. He advised, “This data can be used by foreign actors to attempt to communicate false information to registered voters that they hope will cause confusion, sow chaos, and undermine your confidence in American democracy.”

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