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7 Things: Biden to Ukraine, Trump goes to Ohio; Montgomery mayor probably right about voters; and more …

7. James O’Keefe removed from Project Veritas

  • James O’Keefe, founder and CEO of Project Veritas, was removed last week from his position by the board of directors. He said, “I was stripped of all decision-making last week.” Executive Director Daniel Strack insists O’Keefe is still with the company and is currently taking PTO. There is no question that O’Keefe has been a key player in American politics for years.
  • This comes following the investigation of a letter to the board signed by 16 staffers that alleges that O’Keefe was “cruel” and “James has become a power drunk tyrant and he is exactly who he pontificates on who we should be exposing.”

6. Just keep promising free stuff and more of it

  • U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, (I-Vt.), reintroduced the Social Security Expansion Act and was joined by several Democrats including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass). This bill would raise the amount of money going to recipients by $200 a month. 
  • This increase would be funded by raising the income cap on Social Security. Currently, only $162,000 of income can be taxed for Social Security, but the bill would allow up to $250,000 of income to be taxed rather than raising the tax itself. Everyone knows Social Security is nearing insolvency and these politicians apparently want to speed that up.

5. Strike is over, workers heading back to the mines

  • After no concessions from Warrior Met Coal, United Mine Workers of America’s striking workers are heading back to work here in Alabama with no new benefits, 23 months of missed pay, and broken spirits. This follows an unconditional offer to return to work in early March by the striking miners last week.
  • The company responded by saying, “We have responded to the UMWA and asked for its cooperation and assistance so that we can begin the process for a safe and orderly return to work by those employees who have been on strike and have expressed a desire to return to work.” Now the workers will have to get a physical, drug screening, and safety training. The efforts to continue negotiations go on, but this severely weakens the union’s position.

4. MTG says we need a national divorce, many have said this before

  • Because the Democrat party, the media, and some Republicans can not stand U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.), her every utterance is going to be treated as news and the dumber it is, the bigger news it will be. Taylor Greene’s suggestion we need a “national divorce” highlights the divide in our country and the reaction to her words kind of proves her correct.
  • MTG is obviously not the first to say this. There have been books written about it, liberal TV shows have suggested it, polls suggest it is an idea many Americans support, including 41% of Biden voters. So enjoy the freakout, no one really means this.

3. Britt and Tuberville make the border crisis a priority

  • Alabama’s U.S. Sens. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) and Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) have introduced the Immigration Reform Act of 2023. It would more clearly define what is meant by “urgent humanitarian reason” or “significant public benefit,” reasons which the executive branch dictated should allow immigrants into the country on a case-by-case basis.
  • Britt has also introduced the No Coyote Cash Act, which would create criminal penalties for those funding smugglers and illegal aliens. She has also pushed legislation that would punish distributors of fentanyl, the drug which according to federal estimates, “is killing an estimated 196 Americans each day.”

2. Is the black mayor of Montgomery racist? No, he’s a narcissist

  • Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed (D) has been caught in a profanity-filled, narcissistic tirade about black voters, white money, and the economy of Montgomery. His office has not responded because he is probably right, he doesn’t “have to do no (profanity deleted) work.”
  • In the audio, Reed allegedly says, “I can come smile — I don’t (profanity) have to do no (profanity) work. I don’t have to do no work systemically, and I’m going to be fine. And guess what? I will always get 38 to 45% of the white vote. If I can get 30 to 45% of the white vote, I don’t (profanity) have to get the black vote I got this past election. I’ll (profanity) win.” He’s right.

1. Biden goes to Ukraine, Trump going to East Palestine, Ohio 

  • While he fumbles issue after issue in the United States, President Joe Biden secretly visited Kyiv, Ukraine, to offer continued support to President Zelensky leading up to the one-year mark of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Biden said “Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. America — and the world — stands with Ukraine.” He also used a convenient air raid siren to make him look tough but CNN punked him out.
  • Biden has been criticized for visiting another country to show them support, while he’s barely commented on the train derailment in Ohio, let alone visited. Meanwhile, his chief rival and former President Donald Trump will likely beat Biden to the site in East Palestine, Ohio.

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