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‘You’re like family to me’: Ivey releases new campaign ad

Governor Kay Ivey released her new campaign ad on Tuesday, which marked exactly three weeks until Alabamians vote in the November 6 general election.

In the ad, Ivey is seated with her dog, “Bear.” She talks about the priorities in her life and what being governor means to her.


“After God, country and family, there are two things I love: the state of Alabama and my dog, Bear,” Ivey says to open the ad.

She continues, “I go to work every day looking to grow jobs, improve education and make Alabama better anyway I can. Because just like Bear, you’re like family to me.”

The governor then asks, “Right, Bear?”

After the dog barks his response, Ivey laughs and explains, “Bear says yes.”

“I’m Kay Ivey, and I’m proud to be your governor,” she concludes.

Ivey will face Democratic nominee and Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox at the ballot box.

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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