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Wow: Montgomery volunteers build a brand new playground in how long??

A Montgomery non-profit scored big on June 9 when more than 300 volunteers helped to construct a brand-new playground on its property, and it took less than six hours.

Common Ground Montgomery’s new toys were made possible by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group’s ‘Let’s Play’ initiative and its non-profit partner KaBOOM, as well as a coalition of laborers from Montgomery Coca-Cola Bottling, Walmart, Maxwell Airforce Base, and the Alabama State University football team.

The leadership at Common Ground stressed the importance of having such a space for their pupils to just be kids.

“Play is important to children’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual development, but research shows kids are becoming more sedentary and not getting the activity they need,” said Kevin King, Associate Director, Common Ground Montgomery.

Only one in four kids in the U.S. are getting the recommended daily amount of physical activity, according to KaBOOM.

The new playground offers children of the community another chance to reverse that trend.

“A playground is something that this community has desperately needed,” said Bryan Kelly, Founder, Common Ground Montgomery. “We are extremely thankful for the support of the over 300 volunteers who worked extremely hard in the hot June sun to make this dream a reality for local children.”

The playground was officially dedicated on June 22.

Watch its construction here.

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