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Would Trump even care about an Alabama governor’s race?

Last week, rumblings began about Governor Kay Ivey drawing some opposition to her reelection bid.

I told you about two potential nominees with 2010 GOP gubernatorial primary candidate Tim James and current GOP U.S. Senate primary candidate Lynda Blanchard reportedly thinking about getting in the race.

State Auditor Jim Zeigler apparently didn’t like being left out of the conversation and announced that he has started exploring a run for governor.

But, that’s not all.

According to political consultant and Blanchard for Senate staffer Brad Presnall, Stan McDonald, the campaign chairman for U.S. Representative Mo Brooks’ (R-Huntsville) bid for Senate, is considering jumping into the fray.

During Monday’s appearance on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show,” Presnall suggested that President Donald Trump might be offering up an endorsement in the race, and it won’t be for Governor Kay Ivey.

“Stan would get the President’s endorsement over the Governor, so I think he’s someone who could actually win the race,” Presnall said.

Why would Trump care about a governor’s race in Alabama?

Two theories are being kicked about for his issues with Ivey.

  1. Gambling. Remember: Donald Trump, Jr. has tweeted about this before.
  2. Ivey not being receptive to a Trump rally in the state — allegedly at U.S.S. Alabama.

This sounds absurd to me, but one thing that is undeniable is that a Trump endorsement would change the race significantly.

Ivey still seems like a juggernaut rumbling towards reelection, but we do have a long way to go before this is all said and done.

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Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN and on Talk 99.5 from 10AM to noon.

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