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With Alabama locked up, State Rep. Andrew Sorrell is seeking volunteers to go to Florida and knock doors for Trump

With the 2020 general election right around the corner, you would think that Alabama Republicans would be beating down doors to help President Donald Trump and U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Tuberville win the state.

But polls and common-sense matter, and those races are already over.

Donald Trump is crushing former Vice President Joe Biden in Alabama.

Per Newsweek:

Alabama’s average shows Trump beating Biden by 18.5 percentage points, or 57.2 to 38.7 percent

Tommy Tuberville is almost beating caretaker U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) just as bad.

New polling data released by the Morning Consult, which is from a survey conducted from 9/11-9/20, shows that former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville is leading in Alabama at 52% with U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) trailing at 34%, which is similar data that’s been released previously.

With these races in the bag, a group of Republicans is looking to hit the state of Florida and keep the state in the president’s column on November 3.

State Representative Andrew Sorrell (R-Muscle Shoals) was making the radio rounds in the state Monday morning, and while on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show,” he talked about the recruitment efforts and how he thinks a similar trip worked out pretty well for Republicans in 2016.

That trip was organized and led by Shelby County Republican Party chair Joan Reynolds, who did similar outreach in 2016, but Sorrell appears to be seeking a large number of Republicans to join him for the next trip.

“If we have 200 people knocking doors, I believe that in a week we can knock on 100,000 doors and make 100,000 voter contacts in a swing state,” Sorrell advised.

Sorrell, then just a citizen, was part of a trip that took place before the general election and on election night. As the results came in, Sorrell said he felt like he played a role in delivering the state.

“I was sitting there with my brother and watching the election results come in, and I saw Trump win Florida with a very narrow margin, and thought, ‘Wow, maybe I had a little impact on a presidential race,'” he recalled.

Sorrell is seeking volunteers. He said that anyone who wants to go should call him at (256) 577-8562. The group will have hotel rooms, transportation and two meals a day paid for as they work to reach voters.

My takeaway:

The 2020 election will probably be like no other we have ever seen, and if you feel Alabama is already a win for Trump and Tuberville, there is a swing state to the south where Alabama Republicans are looking to make an impact.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.

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