(Video) Alabama’s next viral video star is a hilarious middle school principal

Blair Andress, or “Mr. A” as he is called by those who have the pleasure of knowing him, is a tiny-town principal with a larger-than-life personality. He is currently the principal at Eclectic Middle School in Eclectic, Alabama, a town of 1,007 in Elmore County.

But in addition to his typical duties as principal, Mr. A has a particular talent for “voices.” He frequently creates characters in his imagination, then puts his vocal talent to use by getting into character and reading the daily announcements over the school’s intercom system to the delight of students and teachers alike.

On Monday, Mr. A introduced the school to “Rev. Grady Jones,” an old school southern evangelist whose drawl announced, among other things, that “they gon’ be cuttin’ up the shark on Wednesday,” a reminder to students that dissections were going to take place in science class.

Fortunately for us, the whole thing was captured on video and posted on the Eclectic Middle School Facebook page.

(Spoiler alert: What happens just under 90 seconds into the video is absolutely hilarious.)

Here’s to all the Alabama educators with this kind of infectious enthusiasm!

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Elizabeth BeShears February 02, 2015