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U.S. Reps. Brooks, Moore slam Democrat-sponsored ‘voting rights’ bill, call legislation federal takeover of elections

House Democrats on Tuesday passed the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, a bill which would considerably expand federal government oversight of the state-conducted elections. The legislation passed the lower chamber along party lines by a vote of 219-212.

The U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year passed a similar elections-related bill called the “For the People Act,” but the legislation failed to pass the upper chamber.

U.S. Reps. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) and Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) blasted the progressive so-called voting rights bill as an attempt by Democrats to federalize the elections process.

“The Socialist Democrats were dealt a blow when the Senate voted down H.R 1, the ‘Socialist Democrat Election Fraud Enhancement Act,'” said Brooks. “Now, they seek to again undermine America’s election systems with H.R. 4, a bill that eliminates state safeguards that protect honest and accurate elections.”

Brooks explained that he voted against the legislation “because it federalizes elections by giving election micromanaging power to federal bureaucrats.”

He further stated, “[I]t undermines America’s Republic and effectively turns our election results into what we so often see in North Korea, the old Soviet Union, Venezuela and any number of other pretend republics. Citizens can vote, but the election results are predetermined. In sum, H.R. 4 dishonors the American lives lost defending our right to vote and way of life.”

Echoing Brooks in lambasting the legislation, Moore called the effort a “sinister scheme” undertaken by Democrats in an attempt to consolidate “election power.”

“After failing to federalize our elections through H.R. 1, Pelosi’s deceitful sequel is yet another unconstitutional power grab intended to keep Democrats in power,” said Moore. “Despite being named after a Civil Rights icon, the title only serves as a guise to hide Democrats’ true intentions of centralizing election power with the federal government. I cannot support this delusional attack on democracy, but I remain committed to strengthening election integrity for all Americans.”

Many conservatives see the Democrat-sponsored legislation as a countermeasure from progressives to push back against Republican-controlled states that have recently passed election integrity laws.

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL

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