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U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl: Commitment to America

As I travel South Alabama and speak with folks from around our district and state, it’s hard to find anyone who believes our country is headed in the right direction.

Between economic struggles, a lack of border security, drugs and crime, and government corruption, a majority of people are frustrated and looking for change.

When I’m talking about these issues and some of the things I’m working on to fix them, I frequently get asked what Republicans plan to do when we take back the House this November. While it’s easy to sit back and blame the Democrats for everything, my colleagues and I have refused to give up or give in.

Instead, we have been working for months on very detailed plans we can put in place the second we take the gavel back from Nancy Pelosi.

Many of you likely remember then-Speaker Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” in 1994. This document laid out what Republican priorities were and how they planned to achieve them. Nearly 30 years later, we are doing something very similar because we believe it is critically important for folks to know we are going to hit the ground running on day one.

As we head into November, my House colleagues and I are rolling out a Commitment to America. We are fighting for an economy that’s strong, a nation that’s safe, a future that’s free, and a government that’s accountable.

This means fighting inflation and lowering the cost of living, reducing gas prices and restoring our energy independence, and fixing the supply chain so we no longer have to rely on China.

It also means securing our border, reducing crime, and stopping the flow of illegal drugs into our communities. We will fight back on the attacks against our freedoms. This includes reforming big tech, protecting free speech, and fixing our broken public school system.

Finally, we will fight the Biden administration tooth and nail to hold them accountable for government overreach and failures.

There’s no doubt we have some real issues to address, and many of these will not be fixed overnight. These are serious problems that will require a lot of work from a lot of people, but I firmly believe this country is worth fighting for.

I ran for office because I believe in this country and because I want to leave it better than I found it. Unfortunately, I don’t like the America I see today. The America we are living in is being mismanaged and is on the wrong track, but I have hope in the American people and our Constitution.

We have been through worse times than we are in right now, and I am confident our best days are ahead.

Jerry Carl represents Alabama’s First Congressional District. He lives in Mobile with his wife Tina.

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