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Tuberville: Doug Jones ‘one of the worst’ members of ‘D.C. swamp’

Republican U.S. senatorial nominee Tommy Tuberville’s campaign began airing a new television advertisement on Friday, just 32 days away from the November 3 general election.

Tuberville is set to face U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) in the contest, and the former Auburn University head football coach’s latest ad highlights Jones’ opposition to even considering the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States. The 30-second spot also outlines other significant differences between the two candidates on hot-button issues of the day.

“Since becoming a placeholder senator, Doug Jones has opposed everything that most Alabamians support and supported everything most Alabamians oppose,” Tuberville said in a statement on Friday. “His record of voting his own beliefs rather than representing the wishes of the citizens he swore an oath to serve continues with his opposition to Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and this ad makes that fact crystal clear.”

According to a release from Tuberville’s campaign, the ad is currently airing on broadcast and cable stations throughout the state as well as social media and additional digital mediums.

“The D.C. swamp is full of socialists and liberals who hate our Alabama conservative values. Doug Jones? He’s one of the worst,” Tuberville says to open the spot.

“Doug Jones voted to impeach President Trump twice,” he outlines. “He voted against Justice Kavanaugh and now is going to vote against Amy Coney Barrett. Enough is enough!”

Tuberville then pledges, “I’m going to stand with President Trump to protect life, protect your guns and protect the values that make America great.”

“I’m Tommy Tuberville, and I approved this message because I’m ready to fight for Alabama,” he concludes.


Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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