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Terry Lathan: Coming together for the U.S. Senate race delivers a win for Alabama and America

As the primary election season is cooling down, the general election is heating up. There is much at stake in November for our state and nation.

The tone-deaf Democrats are insistent on ignoring the will of the American people with their consistently ignorant stubbornness on most issues that are clearly harming our country.

While Republican motivation is at an all-time high for November 8, we must not take anything for granted. In such a red state, complacency can be our worst enemy.

As the former chairwoman of the Alabama Republican Party and the recent state co-chair for Mo Brooks for U.S. Senate, I ask that all of our party pull together to focus on November.

While the voting record of Mo Brooks, which I’ve called the gold standard record of the GOP, was my driving motivation for supporting his candidacy, I now fully support Katie Britt and am respectfully asking Republicans across our state to join me.

I have known Katie for several years in my former role as the ALGOP chairwoman. She was enthusiastic and easy to work with in our discussions. She is now focused on our party’s principles in her new role.

We have spoken together about the importance of upholding the values of our GOP platform and what’s at stake for our nation as we are at a perilous tipping point from Democrat policies. Katie is strongly on board to be an anchor for our goals. Katie is also committed to working with our party in new ways – on both county and state levels. I look forward to helping her any way I can.

While the primary and runoff season can be challenging for all campaigns, it is time to remember the ultimate goal. I believe Katie will deliver on her promises, help build our party, and vote for our “America First” principles.

Alabama has been through three hard-fought U.S. Senate races in just five years – most likely another Alabama history footnote. Folks can become tired, frustrated and worn out in the process. I know – I’ve been there many times in my 45 years of volunteering in our party.

We must take back the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House. Joining together for the betterment of our state and country begins in Alabama by supporting our U.S. Senate nominee, Katie Britt. We did this in 2016 and the outcome was our celebration of the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade. This, along with many more examples, should guide us into November.

I humbly ask our voters to join together to show the nation how Alabamians are examples of focusing on our final objective: electing Republicans and stopping the Democrats.

We’ve seen what happens when liberals are in control, and it is dangerous for America. Alabamians can begin by supporting Katie Britt as our Republican U.S. Senate nominee with our time, donations, volunteering and sharing your support with your friends and family.

Alabama and America need us now more than ever. Our primary voters have chosen our nominees, and it is important for us to come together for our bigger goals.

I look forward to supporting Katie Britt in any possible way I can, and I ask all Republicans to join me. Let’s show the nation our determination to help send a new Republican senator to join Senator Tuberville in fighting for conservative causes and stopping the insanity of liberal policies by electing Katie Britt as our new U.S. Senator.

Get to know Katie and volunteer to help at: www.katiebrittforsenate.com.

Terry Lathan is a resident of Mobile County. She previously served as the chair of the Alabama Republican Party

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