(Opinion) Immigration has been a hot topic for years within the country. Over the past few months the topic has shifted into a “blame Trump game.” While past administrations have exhibited the exact same agenda on immigration as President Trump, they weren’t as active in following through with it.
The Trump Administration is persistent in seeing that those who come to America illegally are rightfully deported. For some reason, the act of deporting those who break American law by coming here illegally upsets left-leaning Americans and the Democrats.
Illegal aliens are consistently protected by the Democrats. Through Sanctuary Cities and hideouts, Democrats assist in the harboring of illegal aliens. Not only is this unconstitutional, it misrepresents everything America stands for. I will be the first to say that immigrants are what make America such a great place; however, we have laws. By letting those that wish to seek refuge in America sneaking across our borders, Democrats are making it harder for those who are trying to do things the correct way.
Those who are trying to come to America legally have my utmost respect. They strive for a new life and ‘The American Dream’ by respecting America’s laws.
By allowing those who seek refuge in America to remain in this country without following the correct process, Democrats are creating a new standard. They are revealing to everyone, even Americans, that they are willing to disrespect those who already live here only to advance their agenda. This is a slap in the face to those following correct procedure and the Americans who are forced to pay taxes to protect illegal aliens.
The leftists are pushing the narrative that the Trump Administration seeks to divide families and wreak havoc on all immigrants coming into the country. That couldn’t be any more untrue. President Trump is more than willing to allow immigrants from all nations into the country. He, along with millions of other Americans, only asks that they follow correct procedure in the process.
No longer can we allow immigrants who seek to disrespect our laws enter our country. If for some reason they do, they must be deported immediately. Breaking in line isn’t fair. It isn’t fair to those living here now that followed the correct process many years ago and it isn’t fair to those waiting to come to America now.
If immigrants coming here illegally have no desire to respect our laws, what makes you think they will respect us as people? What makes you think that they will respect our court systems and our practices?
I understand the harsh living conditions that some may face in their home countries, but America cannot take on that burden from all that seek refuge. We have procedures set in place. Those procedures are meant to be followed.
When will the Democrats begin to follow procedure? When will they begin to care for all of those who are trying to do things properly? Someone must defend those individuals.
While it may be an unpopular stance for many conservatives, I stand with those who respect America and its laws enough to wait their turn in moving to America. They understand that they cannot break the law and receive entitlements. Those are the immigrants we need. The ones that understand direction and work hard for what they want.
As Americans, we must stand up to the wrath and destruction sanctuary cities are causing. Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice must take action. Sanctuary cities must be eliminated and proper procedures must be followed.
Kyle Morris is a senior at the University of Alabama and a Yellowhammer News contributor. He also writes for The Daily Caller.
Follow Kyle on Twitter: @RealKyleMorris