“…In 140 Characters or Less” is a brand new feature on Yellowhammer Politics. We’ll be interviewing politicians, insiders, activists and other notable figures — with the catch being that their answers must be in 140 characters or less. When possible, we’ll conduct the interviews in real-time on Twitter — then post them on YH when they’re complete. (Follow us on Twitter)
Up first is Alabama’s Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard. He’s fresh off the release of his new book, “Storming the State House,” and tweeted with us today about the SCOTUS Obamacare ruling, the Romney campaign, what we can expect in the legislature next session, and more… All in 140 characters or less.
@YHPolitics further proof that the legislature is the last line of defense btwn the overreaching fed govt. & the people. We won’t back down.
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics no question. @MittRomney raised over $4mill in the 24 hrs after the ruling. Intensity wins elections — intensity is on our side.
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics I’m humbled by the response. It was a privilege to tell the story of the teamwork it took to bring conservative change to AL.
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics definitely. Outlets like @politico @DailyCaller @RickAndBubba @GovMikeHuckabee & others really helped spread the word.
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics a free and strong press is essential. We need them holding us accountable and that becomes tougher with less reporters. (1/2)
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics I’m optimistic that “new media” will ultimately strengthen the press in the long term. But the growing pains sure are tough(2/2)
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics totally unexpected honor. It’s a privilege to represent AU in Montgomery, & now they’re naming a building after me? Incredible.
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics We recently started working on the agenda. We’ll continue charting a conservative, pro-business course, that’s for sure.
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012
@YHPolitics my pleasure
— Mike Hubbard (@SpeakerHubbard) July 2, 2012