Sorry, your race card has been declined

There is a famous saying that goes like this, “The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting different results.”

The media and their Democrats don’t believe this.

In 2016, we were told Hillary Clinton had the presidency locked up and she was in the process of running up the score in a way that would send the Republican Party and Donald Trump to the house. She then uncorked a major gaffe by referring to a large portion of the American public as “deplorables.”

It was a clever way of calling people she disagreed with “racists,” but old Crooked Hillary couldn’t even do that right.

This is an old strategy, and if you can name a Republican candidate, I can find a Democrat somewhere calling them racist.

This is not just about Donald Trump, Baltimore, Elijah Cummings and Rev. Al Sharpton.

They used this old trick on Republicans they claim they love now, including George H. W. Bush, John McCain, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney. They truly believe that calling everyone they disagree with a racist is an effective political strategy and for a while, it was.

Again, this isn’t about Trump. It is just the latest attempt, and Trump just doesn’t care.

Every time Trump is criticized as “racist” for a criticism that he would level at any other political enemy, Americans roll their eyes and move on.

Every time a Jussie Smollett-like hoax is uncovered, Americans roll their eyes and move on.

Every time we are told another long-held American tradition is racist, Americans roll their eyes and move on.

Democrats have been exposed. A recent poll shows that 32% of Democrats think even criticizing black politicians is racist.

Almost every person reading this has been called a racist.

Those days are over.

The overuse of this weapon has rendered it useless.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN.