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Shelby slams Obama AG nominee: She wants to defend the president, not the Constitution

(Above: Cliff Sims’ full interview with Sen. Shelby)
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — During an interview on Yellowhammer Radio with Cliff Sims on Tuesday, Sen. Richard Shelby unequivocally said he will not support Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s nominee to replace Attorney General Eric Holder

“First of all, I will not support her, period,” Sen. Shelby said at the beginning of the interview.

Shelby said he met with Lynch several weeks ago, and was unimpressed with the answers she gave him, particularly regarding the President’s “executive amnesty.”

“I asked her what’s going on with the President with his granting executive amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants… She basically said that that was right. Well, I couldn’t support her on that alone. She’s supposed to defend the Constitution, but what she wants to do is defend the President, and that’s wrong.”

“I believe the Attorney General of the United States should look at the law of the land, not just be loyal to the President,” Sen. Shelby continued. “She’s not the President’s personal attorney. She would be, if she’s confirmed, the Attorney General of the United States; they’re supposed to be the chief law enforcement officer and she would be looking the other way as he’s breaking the law, as I see it.

Sen. Shelby said he couldn’t vote for somebody like that, adding that he hopes Senate Republicans vote against her confirmation.

You can check out the complete interview above, during which Sen. Shelby rails against Governor Bentley’s tax proposal and the administration’s ongoing negotiations with Iran, as well as touching on his upcoming re-election bid and his thoughts on the damage the president’s global warming agenda could inflict on Alabama’s economy.

Yellowhammer Radio airs every weekday from 12-1 p.m. and can be streamed live on the show’s flagship station, Superstation 101.1, WYDE.

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