Over the past several weeks, Senate Democrats have blocked debate on the Department of Homeland Security funding bill that passed the House earlier this year. This legislation provides critical funding for agencies that protect our national security while also defunding the President’s executive amnesty granted to millions of individuals who have broken our nation’s immigration laws.
Just this week, a federal judge in Texas issued a preliminary injunction against the Administration’s executive overreach. President Obama has himself acknowledged that he does not have the authority to grant amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants currently in our country. In fact, he has admitted as much 22 times since he took office. However, instead of allowing for debate and a vote on legislation that would right a wrong by preventing federal funds from being used to implement the President’s executive action, Democrats – many of whom also admit that the President legally cannot unilaterally change the law – continue to defend this blatant abuse of power.
It is important that we not forget that President Obama waited to announce his unconstitutional plan until after the midterm election. While the American people did not have the opportunity to hold him and those who support his unlawful policy accountable at the ballot box, Republicans will not stand idly by and allow for this deliberate abuse of power to continue.
Our nation was founded on a system of checks and balances, and I believe that action to circumvent the constitutional process and Congress should not be tolerated. Not only has the Administration circumvented Congress and the American people through unilateral executive amnesty, but the President has also ignored existing immigration laws.
The American people expect their leaders to lead – not to undermine our laws, encourage more illegal immigration, and place a further burden on the American taxpayer. Border security, enforcement, and removal – not amnesty – must be our response to our nation’s illegal immigration problem.
As we continue this important debate, I remain committed to restoring our system of checks and balances and putting an end to executive amnesty. It is time for Senate Democrats to end their obstruction and allow us to move forward on a plan that reflects the will of the American people.
Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. He also serves on the Appropriations Committee and the Committee on Rules and Administration.