Sessions: shutdown ‘not a positive experience’ for conservatives

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, believes the shutdown strategy employed by Republicans during the latest government funding debate produced a damaging result for conservatives.

Sessions, as a guest on Laura Ingraham’s nationally syndicated radio, acknowledged that the “defund ObamaCare” rallying cry of Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee did a lot to energize the conservative base. However, he said he hopes the Party will in the future unite behind tactics with a better chance of success.

“I think Republicans should value the contribution of Cruz and Lee and others who brought new energy and a willingness to engage the issues directly and point out the great threats this health care proposal and the debt pose to America,” Sessions said. “And at the same time, I think we’ve got to unify behind a strategy for which we can all fight — that has the best chance of being successful and puts us on the side of the American people.”

“The American people are uneasy about shutdowns,” he continued. “They are not comfortable with that. But they want to see us push and fight and make progress toward goals. So setting some goals that we can achieve that advance the philosophical views, I think, of most Americans can be done. I believe we can unite behind it and we ought to incorporate this energy and drive some of our new members have brought to the Senate.”

Although Sessions spoke in support of Cruz’s “filibuster” last month, he noted to Ingraham that he did not sign on to a letter calling for the defunding of ObamaCare in the continuing resolution.

Ingraham said she believed Cruz and Lee are smart guys, but asked Sessions if their lack of experience led them to employ an unwinnable strategy.

“I tend to think so,” Sessions replied. “I didn’t sign the letter because I couldn’t see it ending as they thought it would … There were some great people who shared the goals of Lee and Cruz who felt there is a better way of doing this and [thought] this could end up in a damaging situation — and I think it hasn’t been good right now… We have to see the value of the energy that Cruz and Lee and others have created and harness that in a more positive way.”

“If you are not unified as a movement, the Democrats will take you to town, which is exactly what happened,” Ingraham said.  She went on to say she believes the shutdown strategy ultimately produced a negative result for conservatives.

“I agree with you,” Sessions replied. “Fundamentally, at this point this has not been a positive experience… But can we harness this and learn from it? Perhaps.”

(h/t The Daily Caller)

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