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Senator Doug Jones is toast — he will vote to remove Trump

A CNN chyron at 10:31 a.m. on Monday:

Fake. News.

Let’s be honest, U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) is done.

He is not winning reelection.

Recent polling gives him a chance if Roy Moore or State Representative Arnold Mooney (R-Indian Springs) somehow become the nominee, but that isn’t happening.


He’s toast.

Because of that obvious, and unquestionable, fact, why doesn’t he just tell the truth about where he stands on impeachment?

Speaking to former Bill Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Jones hemmed and hawed about where he is on the impeachment and removal of President Donald Trump:

Everyone wants to talk about this in the political terms and the political consequences term. This is a much more serious matter than that.

This has to do with the future of the presidency and how we want our presidents to conduct themselves. It has all to do with the future of the Senate and how the Senate should handle impeachment and articles of impeachment that come over. That’s how I’m looking at this.

Jones wants this battle to be about process so he has an excuse to vote “no.”

“I have no idea what Mitch McConnell’s talking about these days,” Jones told Stephanopoulos, adding he needs a “full and complete picture” to make his decision on impeaching Trump.


This is what he thinks is his way out.

This is the same little game Jones tried to play on the ridiculous, and obviously fake, allegations the media and their Democrats tried to use against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“I think the bigger issue here is not having to do with Brett Kavanaugh himself, and I don’t think we should spend the time or the effort to try to move in that direction,” he continued. What I am concerned about is this process. We set a precedent last year with a flawed process from the very beginning. We didn’t have the documents. We didn’t have time to review the documents that we did have, and then all of a sudden, the FBI and the White House just refused to do a full and fair investigation.”

“So, it was inevitable that you were going to see things like this,” Jones added. “I’m more concerned about that process than anything else, and the fact that you’ve now got the Justice Department, as I understand it from reports, giving big top awards to people in the Justice Department who worked on this, and I’m really disturbed by that, if that’s the case.”

It’s the coward’s way out. He didn’t want to judge the allegation so he pretended he couldn’t vote one way or the other without more information.

His refusal to take a strong position isn’t one of strength, it is about absolute weakness and total fear.

Every person in Washington, D.C. knows what they are going to do when it comes time to vote on removing the president.

This gambit allows Jones to keep his donors in California, New York and Washington, D.C. happy because he hasn’t said he is a “no” on removal yet.

This gambit allows Jones to keep his voters happy because they can argue that he is still on their side.

This gambit allows the political media to pretend he is some deep thinker who is carefully considering his options on this issue.

This gambit allows him to not be used as a weapon against other red state Democrats.

This gambit is as transparent as Hunter Biden’s shadiness.

But eventually, Jones will vote to remove President Donald Trump from office and Alabama voters will then remove him from office in November 2020.

This is happening no matter what Jones does, but this game he plays just makes it more embarrassing for him.

Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN.

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