Senate Majority Ldr Greg Reed: Alabama abortion ban not as ‘tumultuous’ as portrayed by national media


For roughly a week, Alabama faced criticism from those in the national media for the state legislature’s passage of HB 314, known as the Human Life Protection Act, which banned abortion in the state with only a few exceptions.

However, the portrayal in the national media did not line up with the public’s sentiment according to State Senate Majority Leader Greg Reed (R-Jasper).

During an interview with Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal” host Don Dailey, Reed said the issue was not as “tumultuous” as the national media had made it out to be.

“First off, I’ve been a pro-life supporter always and that is something that has been very important to me even in my tenure as health committee chair in the Senate early on in my service to the state in the State Senate,” Reed said. “Do I think that the issue is as difficult in regards to [being] tumultuous as it was portrayed in the national media to those that were in the Alabama Statehouse? I don’t think so. One of the issues that I talked about with several national media interviews that I did was the fact that Alabama was very clear in the November ’18 election with Amendment 2, as you’ll recall, which was a sanctity of life definition amendment for Alabama – which at that time, Planned Parenthood spent an enormous millions of dollars in opposition to that constitutional amendment. But the people of Alabama voted for it 60-40 [percent].”

Reed said the abortion issue was always a hot-button, which has brought controversy in the past.

“So there really wasn’t a question as to where the people of Alabama were related to the issue. I think anytime you talk about that topic, abortion – it is going to be controversial. And as a result, it was once again controversial, as has been the different pieces of legislation that we’ve had in the Alabama Legislature related to that issue over time.”

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.

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