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SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade; Alabama to seek reversal of federal halt on pro-life law

The U.S. Supreme Court, on Friday morning, handed down its decision to strike down the landmark 1973 abortion case of Roe v. Wade.

In the 6-3 ruling, all Republican-appointed justices voted in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade. Democrat-appointed Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor dissented in the case.

The court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which was prompted by its adjudication of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, ends the federal recognition of abortion rights and allows the issue to be legislated at the state level.

Full Supreme Court opinion below:

Now that the nation’s high court has struck down the landmark case, abortion will become illegal in 13 states. Alabama holds a near-full ban on the practice of terminating the life of an unborn infant.

In early 2019, the Alabama Legislature passed the “Alabama Human Life Protection Act,” authored by State Rep. Terri Collins (R-Decatur), which banned abortion except when the life of a mother was in danger.

At the time of the law’s passage, Republican lawmakers asserted that the bill would assist in the legal battle for the nation’s high court to eventually decide the fate of Roe v. Wade. Three years after the bill was signed into law, it appears as if the efforts of Alabama and other Republican-controlled states in passing pro-life legislation have succeeded.

The Supreme Court’s announcement comes after a majority draft opinion leaked in early May which indicated the court had decided to strike down the landmark case.

In a statement, Gov. Kay Ivey advised that the state would seek to reverse a federal court’s halt on the Alabama Human Life Protection Act so the law can go into effect.

“Today is a giant step forward for our country as, after decades, Roe is finally overturned,” celebrated Ivey. “Folks, after almost 50 years of standing up for unborn babies, our prayers have been answered.”

“The fight continues, though. Here in Alabama, we have been preparing for this day when the decision-making authority on abortion is rightfully returned to the states,” the governor added. “In 2019, I was proud to sign into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, which is one of the strongest bans on abortion in the country. Currently, there is a halt by a federal judge on the enforcement of that law, but now that Roe is overturned, the state will immediately ask the court to strike down any legal barriers to enforcing this law.”

She concluded, “As I noted when I signed the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, every life is precious and a sacred gift from God. We will not relent in our efforts. Ensuring this 2019 law can be enforced is the next and very critical step to protecting our babies. This is a historic day, and I could not be more proud as a governor, a Christian and a woman to see this misguided and detrimental decision overturned.”

Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth recalled the Republican-controlled state legislature’s preparation for when the Supreme Court would opt to intervene and send the issue of abortion to the states.

“As we celebrate today’s Supreme Court ruling, which overturns the abomination of Roe v. Wade and represents a significant step toward protecting unborn life, we should pause to remember and pray for the almost 64 million innocent souls that have been lost to the abortion-on-demand industry,” he asserted.

“Alabama’s Republican Legislature has been preparing for this day, and with the nation’s strongest pro-life law already on our books along with an amendment opposing abortion cemented in our state constitution, unborn life has found a safe haven within our borders,” finished Ainsworth.

U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Tuscaloosa) welcomed the court’s decision and declared that it was incumbent upon elected leadership to uphold “the dignity of human life.”

“The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional, and the High Court has now reversed that decision,” stated Shelby. “It is our moral and ethical duty to protect the dignity of human life, particularly when it comes to the unborn. Today’s decision by the Supreme Court justly upholds the writings of our Constitution and allows us to preserve innocent human life. This is welcome news.”

As a Christian, U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) stated his belief that the genesis of human life begins at the moment of conception.

“The Supreme Court decision is a victory for life and for Alabamians, like myself, who believe in the protection of the unborn,” rejoiced Tuberville. “As a Christian, I believe life begins at conception, and that’s why I signed a ‘friend of the court’ brief in support of this law. This case reignited a discussion on the important role of the American family in our country and the need to protect life at every stage. I hope we don’t let this passion stop here, and we continue to discuss how we can protect the unborn and help vulnerable mothers.”

The senator added, “After months of a disgraceful public pressure campaign and failed efforts from Democrats to force their extreme and unpopular abortion-on-demand agenda on the American people, I’m glad the Court didn’t bow to outside pressure and maintained their judicial independence.”

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) heaped praise upon the six conservative justices that ruled in favor of protecting unborn life.

“The U.S. Supreme Court has finally corrected a long-standing error by overturning Roe v. Wade, the disastrous decision that allowed abortion on demand in America,” said Rogers. “Today, the Supreme Court made the right decision to protect the innocent lives of unborn children. I am proud of the Justices who stood up for our Constitution and the sanctity of life even in the face of violent threats by the left.”

U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) called Friday’s ruling a “watershed moment” for the pro-life movement.

“Roe v. Wade was decided by appointed judges when I was seven years old, precluding elected legislative bodies from deciding this issue,” noted Aderholt. “Therefore, today is a watershed moment in the fight for life. The Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a landmark in the effort to protect the most vulnerable among us and guarantee their right to life and liberty.”

“Of course, this does not mean the end of abortions in the United States,” added the congressman. “The decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization only returns the responsibility of protecting the unborn to elected officials, and each state will govern independently on the issue, meaning that the fight for life will continue in many places across the country.”

He concluded, “As a co-chair for the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, I believe this can be a turning point for Congress to expand our efforts to ensure a safe future for our nation’s children—born and unborn. I hope to see a shift towards adoptive services as an alternative to an abortion. I pray for our nation and that this decision from the Supreme Court begins to bring our country back together as we protect the lives of the unborn.”

U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl (R-Mobile) conveyed his support for society constructing “a culture that respects life.”

“I applaud the Supreme Court for overruling the disastrous Roe v. Wade decision,” stated Carl. “State legislators now have the opportunity to create laws protecting the lives of millions of innocent babies. Together, we can build a culture that respects life.”

“Life is a precious gift from God, and every human is made in God’s image,” noted the congressman. “Every person, whether born or unborn, is a life worth protecting. Protecting life from conception to death is a top priority of mine, and I’m proud to be an advocate for life because I firmly believe our society has a responsibility to defend and protect life.”

UPDATE 11:12 a.m.:

U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Birmingham), who is the lone Democratic member of Alabama’s congressional delegation, stated her desire for Congress to act in restoring the right to terminate a pregnancy by way of legislative statute.

“Today marks a dark day for women’s reproductive rights in the United States,” said Sewell. “With this devastating decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has reversed nearly 50 years of legal precedent and stripped away a woman’s right to make her own decisions about deeply personal health care matters. Empowered by the Court, extremist politicians in state legislatures across the country will now begin racing to criminalize reproductive health care. Make no mistake, our nation’s most vulnerable women will be hit hardest by this decision.”

“From voting rights to reproductive health care, this Supreme Court has shown that it is intent on rolling back the freedoms that our foremothers and forefathers fought so hard to secure,” added the congresswoman. “We cannot stand by as our rights are stripped away. It is incumbent upon Congress to act!”

UPDATE 11:38 a.m.:

Republican Party U.S. Senate nominee Katie Britt hailed the Supreme Court’s conservative justices for their ruling and expressed her support for state legislatures to enact measures that enshrine the right to life.

“Our prayers have been answered,” declared Britt. “This is a great day in our nation’s history and an incredible victory for the God-given right to life, which I’m confident that the State of Alabama will protect. As a Christian, conservative, pro-life mother of two children, both the science and my faith tells me that life begins at conception. As an attorney, I also know that Roe not only was morally wrong, but constitutionally unsound.”

“The Supreme Court has done the correct thing, even in the face of recent intimidation and threats. Now, it’s on elected representatives of the people across America to be a voice for the voiceless and defend those who cannot defend themselves,” finished Britt.

Alabama Republican Party (ALGOP) chairman John Wahl applauded the ruling and said that to further support the pro-life movement, the party would coordinate with state lawmakers to enact measures that support women and children facing hardship.

“Today, the fundamental human right to life won,” proclaimed Wahl. “The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision correctly returns the issue of abortion back to the states where it belongs. Each state will now be able to determine how it will proceed on this matter.”

“The Alabama Republican Party believes that every life is precious and should be protected and celebrated,” he continued. “I cannot communicate how excited I am about the possibility of correcting the tragedy of Roe v. Wade, and restoring the sanctity of life. It gives me hope in the ideals of individual liberty and protecting the rights of every person from the moment of conception to the grave.”

Wahl concluded, “The Alabama Republican Party will continue its work with our state leaders on measures that will help expectant and new mothers, as well as the children of our state. We will also fight to cut bureaucratic red tape to make adoptions easier and more cost effective for families. We must help and protect both the born and the unborn, take care of those in need, and provide viable alternatives for those facing difficult situations. We care about and love both the mothers and the babies of our state.”

UPDATE 12:58 p.m.:

In a joint statement released by Alabama Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed (R-Jasper) and Senate Majority Leader Clay Scofield (R-Guntersville), the upper chamber’s Republican leadership said that protecting life would remain atop the list of priorities for the Senate GOP Caucus.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade is a historic decision to rightfully return the issue to the states, and it is a transformative judgment to move our country forward while honoring the vision that the United States of America was founded on,” stated Reed and Scofield. “The Court has been diligent in its efforts to interpret the constitutionality of this landmark case, and the decision today displays the Court’s faithful and impartial pledge to ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law.”

The Senate leaders continued, “In Alabama, we have fought tirelessly for decades to protect the unborn and uphold our Christian, conservative values. As a legislature, we remain committed in our efforts to defend those precious lives that are unable to defend themselves, and we will continue to fight for their right to life. We have listened to the voices of Alabamians from all four corners of the state, and the protection of the unborn remains a top priority for the vast majority. Today is a monumental victory for the pro-life movement, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to ensure that all life is protected and the voiceless have a voice.”

U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) expressed his desire for conservatives to continue to combat efforts by progressive state lawmakers to enact laws that conflict with the pro-life movement.

“Today, we celebrate a decision by the Supreme Court that will save the lives of countless unborn Americans,” said Palmer. “This decision will allow states to protect life and ends nearly five decades of poorly decided precedent that was clearly outside Constitutional bounds. I applaud the Supreme Court for issuing this opinion despite threats of violence from left-wing activists attempting to change the outcome.”

He continued, “While today is a great day in American history, the struggle is far from over. It will be up to state legislatures and Republicans in Congress to continue protecting life. We are already seeing Democrat controlled states push for late-term abortions and Democrats in Congress continue to block common sense bills that will save lives. We must oppose these efforts at all levels of government, and I will continue supporting lifesaving legislation.”

UPDATE 1:50 p.m.:

Madison County Commission chairman Dale Strong, Alabama’s fifth congressional district Republican nominee, asserted that the pro-life movement’s efforts were not over given that the ruling fell short of banning the practice of abortion in the United States.

“Today is the day we have been praying and fighting for,” expressed Strong. “Finally, we as a Nation legally recognize that Life is worth protecting. This decision does not end abortion in America – that fight isn’t over – but it does correct the horrible wrong that was Roe v Wade and returns the power to the States and the people to protect the unborn.”

“Now we as Americans need to do more to expand adoption programs and support Mothers and babies that need it. Every child in America has the right to be born and should also have the opportunity to grow up healthy and happy,” concluded the North Alabama GOP congressional nominee.

U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) lauded the high court’s decision and declared that the ruling was a “huge victory” for supporters of the pro-life movement.

“The Dobbs decision affirming no constitutional right to abortion and leaving the matter to each state is the single greatest step to protecting life in generations and will save countless lives of unborn children,” stated Moore. “Since Roe almost five decades ago, 67 million lives have been terminated through abortion. Today is a huge victory for the pro-life movement and the Constitution.”

The congressman continued, “The timing of this decision, as we debate how to address gun violence in this nation, is poignant. Our nation has a heart problem, and the cure is not a piece of legislation or court decision but to teach our children to value life. While today is a day to celebrate life, we must remember that government is merely a human institution to protect rights given by God, and no healthy nation can look to government as its savior or the solution to all societal problems. Please continue praying for our nation and for all our fellow Americans, regardless of where they stand on this issue.”

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL

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