Roy Moore walks off set after ‘Who Is America’ interview goes south

Former Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore appeared on Sacha Baron Cohen’s Showtime series “Who is America” Sunday night.

After failing to pass what Cohen’s character issued as the pedophile detector test, Moore cut the interview short and walked off the set.

Cohen played the role as Gen. Erran Morad, an anti-terror expert with a newly developed Israeli technological device that he said can detect a pedophile. Cohen, who remained in character, explained to Moore that the device recognizes a particular hormone secreted from a pedophile’s sweat.

“Sex offenders and particularly pedophiles secrete an enzyme for DDHT, which is actually detectable. In Israel, they’ve developed a machine that is used in schools to detect anyone coming in and if they detect the pedophile it alerts the law enforcement,” Cohen told Moore.

Cohen then proceeded to take out the pretend device and wave it in front of himself. There was no triggering of the device and no sound. When Cohen placed the device in front of Moore, the device triggered and beeped.

“Obviously a problem — it’s malfunctioning,” said Cohen.

He called into the frame a guy who was on set and waved the device in front of the man with no triggering of the device.

He then again waved the device in front of Moore and it beeped.

Cohen then asked Moore if he had allowed someone to borrow the jacket he was wearing.

“I’ve been married for 33 years, I’ve never had an accusation of such things,” Moore told Cohen. “If this is an instrument, then it’s certainly… I’m not a pedophile, OK? Maybe Israeli technology hasn’t developed properly.”

“This device is 99.8 percent accurate,” said Cohen. “It is not saying that you are a pedophile. Of course not.”

A disgruntled Moore then walked off the set saying he was “cutting this conversation.”

“I support Israel, I don’t support this kind of stuff,” said Moore as he was leaving.