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Rogers: Obama Administration has caused Israel to decide American is no longer in its corner

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Saks
Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Saks

Thursday marked the tenth day of Operation Protective Edge, a coordinated push by Israel to stop Hamas from continuously launching rockets from Gaza into areas of Israel heavily populated by civilians.

On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry offered to fly to Cairo or Jerusalem to negotiate a cease fire, but was “politely rejected” by both sides, who told Kerry they “didn’t need American mediation.”

On Wednesday, Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL3), Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee, said that Kerry’s failed diplomatic effort is an indication that the Obama Administration’s foreign policy has been a failure.

“Much of the world harbors a double-standard when it comes to Israel’s right to defend itself. No other country in the world is expected to be shelled by a neighbor more than 1,000 times without responding in any way,” Rogers said. “Unfortunately, after more than a year of misguided diplomacy by Secretary Kerry, which resulted in unmitigated failure, Israel is in an even tougher position. It’s no wonder the President’s recent offer to intervene and negotiate was rejected – Israel no longer feels the American President is in its corner. Israel has the absolute right to self-defense and deserves better than shabby treatment by this Administration.”

Meanwhile, the American-funded “Iron Dome” system, which Rogers authorized, is protecting Israel from the Hamas rockets (Video below).

“The Iron Dome Short Range Rocket Defense System is protecting Israel from this terrorist onslaught,” said Rogers. “I am proud to have been responsible for authorizing our investments for Iron Dome as Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee. I will continue to work with our ally, Israel, to ensure it can defend itself from threats, and help make sure it never wonders whether its friends in the United States will have its back.”

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