Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, yesterday filed her campaign finance report for the fourth quarter of 2013. With no opponent currently challenging her, the two-term congresswoman from Montgomery raised roughly $110,000 between Oct. 1 and the end of the year, typically the slowest fundraising period for an incumbent. Her campaign now has over $500,000 cash on hand.
Stephen Boyd, Roby’s top campaign advisor, told Yellowhammer they are pleased with the fundraising haul. And although it looks like Roby will easily be elected to serve a third term, Boyd said they are not taking anything for granted.
“We are obviously pleased to see continued strong support for Martha,” Boyd said. “To have half a million on hand is significant, especially because it came in during the ‘off-season’ so to speak. Money is only part of it, though. Martha’s campaign is also focused on building a unique system of voter data resources using some innovative new tools and techniques.”
Here’s a snapshot of what the Roby campaign’s finance report shows:
• Roby raised $108,675 in fourth quarter of 2013
• Roby has raised $362,840 in the 2014 cycle to date
• The Roby campaign now has $513,130 cash on hand
Roby was appointed to the powerful House Appropriations Committee in November of last year.
“The Appropriations Committee has oversight on the whole range of government activities,” Roby explained after accepting the appointment. “There is no better place to influence that process and to advocate for the people of my district than on the Appropriations Committee.”
It’s a plumb committee slot, no doubt. But it also comes with increased responsibility.
Members of the top committees are expected to play a more prominent role in national Party fundraising efforts. In addition to raising money for their own campaigns, they’re also expected to raise big money for other candidates and the national Party.
Roby launched MARTHA PAC in 2012 for the purpose of raising money for other Republican Congressional candidates. Most recently, Roby donated $2,500 from her PAC to help get Alabama’s newest Congressman, Bradley Byrne, elected in south Alabama.
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