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Rep. Moore on omnibus: ‘Kill this terrible bill’

Last week, Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) opposed the one-week continuing resolution that extended government funding, which gave Congress more time to try and pass a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill.

Now Moore is promising to oppose any legislative priority of those senators who vote for the legislation.

“Republicans can’t continue to tell voters ‘we are going to fight President Biden’s radical policies’, but then fail to stand firm when tested,” Moore said. “Now that we have leverage, we must use it. I refuse to look the other way as Congress advances politicians’ pet projects at the expense of the priorities of hurting American families. Washington has neglected their interests for far too long, and my colleagues and I are pledging to defend them.”

Moore joined 30 of his fellow House Republicans in sending a letter to the Senate calling on them to vote against the omnibus spending bill.

“Once again, we urge Senate Republicans to use every tool possible to kill this bill,” the letter says. “Failure to do so will result in not only legislative and political consequences, but irrevocable consequences for our nation.”

The members of Congress believe that the bill should not be passed when the national debt is still at record levels.

“This omnibus will undeniably continue the Washington status quo that Americans are fed up with,” the letter reads. “It will fuel the rampant inflation that is cutting into Americans’ paychecks. It will add to our $31 trillion national debt, digging a deeper hole for our children and grandchildren to crawl out of. And because almost every Senate Republican has bloviated about inflation and the national debt at some point in the past two years, a vote for this bill should be viewed as a blatant display of hypocrisy.”

The signees promised to fight against any legislative priority by any senator who votes in favor of the omnibus package.

“The released legislative text confirmed this omnibus is an assault on the American people,” the letter says. “As such, we reiterate that if any omnibus passes in the remaining days of this Congress, we will oppose and whip opposition to any legislative priority of those senators who vote for its passage – including the Republican leader. We will oppose any rule, any consent request, suspension voice vote, or roll call vote of any such Senate bill, and will otherwise do everything in our power to thwart even the smallest legislative and policy efforts of those senators.

“Again, we must stop the assault on … the American people. Kill this terrible bill or there is no point in pretending we are a united party, and we must prepare for a new political reality.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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