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Rep. Jerry Carl: Mayorkas must be held accountable

It’s no secret that the state of our Southern Border is a complete disaster, and there is nobody to blame for that except for the Biden administration and the person they put in place to secure our borders – Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. 

Securing the border has been and will remain my top priority. I worked to pass H.R. 2, which is the strongest border security bill that has ever passed the House floor. I also helped pass the Homeland Security Appropriations bill that includes $2.1 billion to finish the wall at our southern border, and $496 million for 22,000 new border patrol agents, which is a record high. On top of that, I fully supported the House efforts to impeach Mayorkas back in February for completely failing to do his job. Now, it lies in the hands of the Senate where they must do their job and impeach him.

Secretary Mayorkas has done absolutely nothing to bring relief to the crisis the Biden administration has created. President Biden inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years, and 3 years into his presidency, we are seeing the highest rate ever of illegal immigrants pouring into our country. 

As of February 2024, over 9 million illegal immigrants have poured into our country. That is the equivalent to the size of 36 states in the U.S. The state of our border is a growing national security threat with over 160 people from the FBI’s terrorist watch list coming into our country through the Southern Border – and those are just the ones we’ve caught. Not to mention, the massive influx of crime committed by illegal immigrants. When will enough be enough?

Secretary Mayorkas took an oath to defend and protect our country when he was sworn in as Secretary of Homeland Security, and he has completely failed to fulfill that oath. There is blood on his hands, and it is past time that he be held accountable for failing to do his job. 

We must address this crisis on all fronts and protect all Americans. I have fully supported House Republican’s efforts to secure our Southern Border, but we can’t do it alone. The senate must do its job and join us so we can send a clear message from the American people to the Biden administration that they need to put a stop to this madness.

Jerry Carl represents Alabama’s First Congressional District. He lives in Mobile with his wife Tina.

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