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Rep. Jerry Carl: A future built on freedom

There’s no doubt the United States of America is the greatest country on the planet, and I think it all stems from us being a country founded on freedom for all. The challenge for all of us is to preserve and protect this freedom for generations to come, instead of taking it for granted.

One of my main motivators for getting involved in politics was to do my part to protect the American dream for my children and grandchildren because this country has given so much to me, and I don’t want to take it for granted.

One of the key parts of House Republicans’ Commitment to America (our commitment to you, the American people, for when we take back the House in November) is ensuring a future that’s built on freedom. This is so important right now, because under one-party Democrat rule in Washington, concerned parents are labeled domestic terrorists, Americans have less choice when it comes to health care, and Big Tech is interfering with free speech to tip the scales in favor of Democrats.

Our plan includes making sure every student in American can succeed. That’s why I’m a cosponsor of my friend Rep. Julia Letlow’s (R-La.) Parents Bill of Rights Act, which would ensure parents – rather than bureaucrats in Washington or anywhere else – have a say in what their kids are being taught. We also plan to ensure students and teachers have the resources and support to recover from the lost learning due to forced school closures during the pandemic.

Another part of our plan is doing what we can to make sure Americans can live longer, healthier lives. This includes personalizing health care so folks can get the highest quality care at the lowest possible prices.

We also need to invest in medical research, lifesaving cures, and telemedicine so we can stay on the cutting edge of technology and medical advancements. That’s why I’ve cosponsored my friend Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ (R-Wash.) Lower Cost, More Cures Act of 2021. This legislation will help lower our health care costs while protecting our innovations in medical research.

Finally, we will confront Big Tech and demand fairness. This can be done by providing greater privacy and data security protections for Americans, which includes giving parents more tools to keep their kids safe online. It also includes stopping big companies from censoring free speech simply because they have differing political views.

America is such a great country, and we are so blessed to live here. I truly believe our brightest days are ahead, but they won’t get here by accident. If we want out children and our grandchildren to enjoy a future that’s built on freedom, it’s up to us to do the hard work to make sure it happens because freedom isn’t free.

Jerry Carl represents Alabama’s First Congressional District. He lives in Mobile with his wife Tina.

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