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Why the red carpet for illegal immigrants?

Since October 2017, more than 450 unaccompanied alien children have been released to sponsors in Alabama, according to DHS.

Alabama ranks 10th on the list of states that received the most unaccompanied alien children since last fall. California tops the list, followed by Florida and then Texas.

Two county sponsors in Alabama, Jackson and Marshall, have received nearly a quarter of the total 453 alien children placed in the state since last October.

A total of 2,729 alien children have arrived in Alabama since 2014. That’s a staggering number considering that it only represents children.

Let’s not beat around the bush here. Provided with the information above, it is evident that illegal immigration is greatly affecting the state of Alabama.

Are children being split up at the border when they arrive with their parents? Yes.

Would I make changes if I were in charge? Yes, but very minimal ones.

What happens when families are united and fights between families break out? What happens when one of the women that came here illegally gets raped by a man, also here illegally? Who will be to blame? Democrats will wrongfully hold the Trump administration accountable and we all know it.

It’s been said a thousand times; however, it is quite ironic how the party that champions abortion is just now deciding to wake from its coma to combat an issue that was largely ignored under Obama’s leadership.

‪Where was this outrage three or four years ago?

In a press conference Monday evening, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said 10,000 of the 12,000 children currently being cared for by HHS entered into America unaccompanied.

To act like this is a problem due to the Trump Administration is nonsensical.

Illegal aliens were treated very poorly under Obama’s presidency, yet no one called out the administration for their negligence to investigate what was occurring.

I am still trying to understand what makes an illegal alien criminal more deserving of being kept with their families than an American criminal.

When American citizens who have broken American laws are detained, their children do not go to prison with them. There is no such luxury for the parents or the children. America must not roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens. All it does is provide an incentive for others seeking to commit the same crime.

The Trump administration inherited a mess and they are attempting to deal with it as safely as possible. Perhaps the children could visit their parent(s) at particular times, almost like visitation for American parents and their children.

Opinions? Email me: [email protected]

@RealKyleMorris is a Yellowhammer News contributor

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