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Reckless American media continue trying to destroy the economy by lying about the president

The nation is in a dark place right now. People are hunkered down at home and must feel like they are watching their futures and fortunes be destroyed by a virus that originated in China and is now working its way through the United States.

Americans are looking for leadership, but are instead finding squabbling over stock buybacks and global warming. To put it bluntly, people want decisive action, and they want it now.

It looks as if Congress will get the third version of a coronavirus spending bill over the finish line soon, but that’s not the relief that Americans are most interested in seeing. They want America back open for businesses, and so does President Donald Trump.

But the American media can’t report that honestly.

Americans are not as stupid as the media and their Democrats think they are. They know when the president says he wants the country open, he isn’t referencing areas like New York City and other regions where the disease is raging.

They also know he isn’t suggesting a return to normalcy for everyone. He is suggesting a relaxing of suggestions and regulations on a case-by-case basis.

What most don’t know is that a large portion of these rules and restrictions are coming from the local governments, the states, cities and counties that make up these United States.

The people want to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

U.S. Representative Robert Aderholt (AL-04) struck an optimistic tone on WVNN radio, saying, “[I]t’s going to be months, but I don’t think months in regard that we’re going to be the way we are today.”

Aderholt also voiced support for President Trump’s notion that we will open some areas of the country as the situation warrant.

“I think we’re going to get through this,” he told “The Dale Jackson Show.” “Our country’s very strong, but I fully support, you know, what he’s saying in regard to let’s look at areas we can open up.”

The media, including some locally, think they always know best.

My takeaway:

I would say this is reckless, but what is the point? This is the exact same outlet that suggested that over 50% of Alabama will be getting sick and 25,000 will probably die with a much larger death toll likely.

If Alabama is lucky and sees a death rate of 1 percent, 25,000 people could die. In an average year, 50,000 people in Alabama die of all causes. And it’s possible, if nothing is done, that the death toll could be worse.

Sure, why not?

As of this moment, over 18,000 are dead out of the more than 407,000 infected worldwide.

These people in the media are reckless, irresponsible and are directly causing the destruction of our small businesses and the American dream.

They want an indefinite shutdown of the American economy — to hell with the consequences.

Remember what they are doing to your way of life right now and, more importantly, remember why they are doing it.


Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN.

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