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President Trump is launching a masterful closing argument against Democrats on all their weakest points

People will often point to promises of Supreme Court justices as the reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, but that is convoluted and off-base.

Trump’s winning issue was immigration. The media misplayed this in 2016 and they are misplaying now.

How many times did we see videos of Trump riding down an escalator and then cut to this clip in 2016?

[Relevant portion from the 12-second mark through the 34-second mark]

Too many to count.

And it did not stop there. They played it in 2017 and are still playing those clips in 2018.

And it hurt him how? They called him and his supporters racist, which did not work.

Trump realizes this and Republicans get this, but why can’t the media and their Democrats get this?

The faux outrage on Trump’s immigration stance is music to his ears.

Look at the coverage of the migrant caravan. The mainstream media says anyone pointing out that the caravan of immigrants is an invasion is guilty of “fear-mongering.”

It’s not fear-mongering if the threat is real.



These two reports from CNN and MSNBC perfectly encapsulate the media and their Democrats’ disconnect from the average Americans who don’t want unskilled, non-English speaking hordes entering our country looking for work.

Americans don’t like this. Republicans definitely don’t like this and it will motivate them — even those who aren’t excited about Trump.

Democrats are finding themselves forced to defend illegal immigrants, higher taxes and transgender bathroom insanity, which is exactly what Republicans want the conversation to be about two weeks before an election.

Polls are tightening as Donald Trump is attempting to prove all the experts wrong yet again.

@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a conservative talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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