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Our society has an issue with morality and decency

People have been warning about a society failing after it turns away from God since there was a God. This is not a new concept, but we seem to be stepping on the gas here instead of pumping the brakes.

An American politician took to the airwaves Wednesday and described the birth, resuscitation and discussion of eliminating a newborn baby’s life.

Conservatives were rightly outraged because this is a ghastly conversation.

Governor Ralph Northam (D-VA) made his comments — not out of concern for the mother in this situation, but out of fear for the radical American left and their fetish for abortion and for money.

As a pro-choice conservative talk show host, I believe abortion should be legal, rare and available in the instances of concern over the health of the mother. But this is not that.

This is murdering a baby outside of the womb.

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring took to Twitter to defend the governor and attack those who found the comments outrageous.

The Washington Post implied the “conservative backlash” is the problem.

Northam later offered up a defense of his comments, which was also absurd.

This is being framed as a viability issue, but that is a garbage argument. A 2013 study found a majority of women that want late-term abortions seek them for issues other than the viability of the fetus.

Northam’s remarks were largely ignored by the mainstream media.

No matter what you think about abortion, this is unacceptable. The fact that there is no condemnation from all corners shows we are a society in decline.

To put this in perspective, if a puppy were discussed in this way by a random Twitter user, the American media and large portions of society of all stripes would launch social media campaigns to identify and destroy this person.

@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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