Opelika pastor Dean Odle announced his candidacy for lieutenant governor Saturday, deciding not to run for the top spot this go around.
“After much prayer and discussion with my family, I felt the leading of the Lord to step back into the political fight,” Odle said. “I really did not want to do it again, but someone has to confront the lies, greed and corruption that is so prevalent in Alabama politics. And when LTC Allen West (former GOP congressman from Florida and former Chair of the Texas GOP) awarded me his Black Robe Regiment Cherokee Tomahawk, I knew for sure that I had to get back in the fight for Alabama and our country.”
Odle ran for governor in 2022, finishing fifth in the Republican primary with just 11,767 votes. Odle is also the founder of the Fire & Grace Church and Fire & Grace Ministry School in Opelika.
“The war against our country will only intensify over the next few years,” Odle continued. “This is no time to fall into a sense of false security because President Trump won another term (in spite of the cheating). The Luciferian globalists around the world, and those traitors in our own government (both Democrat and Republican), along with their foot soldiers aka the Chinese Communist Party have been conspiring for decades to overthrow the United States. Their plans have been multifaceted. They have been patient, waiting for the right moment to pounce and take us down.”
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Odle has been a controversial figure in Alabama politics, facing criticism from both sides of the political isle for comments about his belief in the earth actually being flat.
On his campaign website Odle is branding himself has the “The Anti-Establishment Republican.”
“Alabama’s motto is ‘We Dare Defend Our Rights’ and Dean Odle believes that this is what we must do now more than ever,” his campaign website says. “Neither liberal Democrats nor weak RINO Republicans are going to stop this frenzied march toward tyranny. It is time for a different kind of leader in Alabama who will fight the enemies of our Constitutional Republic and prepare Alabama for the difficult days ahead of us.”
The lieutenant governor in Alabama presides over the state Senate and becomes the governor governor in case of death or vacancy in the governor’s office.
Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee