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On November 6, Keep America First

In less than two years, President Trump and the Republican Congress have accomplished a great deal for the American people. We passed one of the largest tax cuts in American history and repealed 16 Obama-era red tape regulations that were stifling job growth. As a result, our economy is booming. That’s real jobs, more money in your pockets and a brighter future for our children.

We repealed Obamacare’s individual mandate and are working to make health care more affordable and accessible for everyone. And we are taking care of those that have taken care of us by passing landmark Veterans legislation.

We are rebuilding the military. Over $700 billion this year alone. And on top of that the largest pay increase for our brave troops in 9 years.

We have approved $1.6 billion to start the Border Wall and we must complete it as soon as possible. We are working to reform our outdated immigration laws and implement a new policy based on merit. We are proud of the work of our brave ICE and Border Patrol agents and we will always respect and support our law enforcement.

In addition, President Trump is reshaping the federal judiciary. In less than 22 months, the U.S. Senate under Republican control, has confirmed two new Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court and added 82 new conservative judges to the federal courts.

But the leftist Democratic Party has other ideas. Led by a New York liberal and a San Francisco socialist, they want to impose Obama 2.0 on the American people. Government-controlled health care funded by raising taxes on working families, open borders and sanctuary cities, abolish ICE, condemn law enforcement and end American sovereignty.

If the Democrats somehow win control of Congress and Nancy Pelosi becomes Speaker, all the momentum and accomplishments we have worked hard for will come to a standstill. President Trump’s America First agenda would be severely threatened and our resurgent economy would come to a grinding halt. There would be non-stop investigations of the Trump Administration based on their view that you are guilty until proven otherwise. The Democrats are gleefully talking about trying to remove Justice Kavanaugh and impeach President Trump.

The choice is very clear in this election between two different governing philosophies. The conservative Republican view of putting America first, cutting taxes, defending our sovereignty and rebuilding the military. Or the radical Democrat view of open borders, government run health care and mob intimidation.

I am Mike Rogers and I represent the Third Congressional District. I work side by side with President Trump in support of the America First agenda. And I fight every day for our conservative Alabama values. On November 6, I am voting Republican. I hope you will too.

(Paid For By Mike Rogers For Congress)

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