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NY Times bashes Kochs, praises their Billionaire enviro counterpart

Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer
Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer

The New York Times, ever the champion of liberal causes, published a puff piece praising the millions of dollars promised to be injected into political races by environmentalist, Democrat, and billionaire Tom Steyer. While the NYT is well within their rights to support Mr. Steyer, it comes merely a few weeks after an editorial in the same publication excoriating fellow members of the billionaires club Charles and David Koch.

Tom Steyer, who made his billions running one of those hedge funds that are so hated by the left, has promised at least $50 million in matching donations to his political group NextGen Climate Action to effect elections across the country. His current targets are governors and members of Congress who refuse to buy into the agenda of radical environmentalists, and he’s prepared to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to kick them out.

The controversial Citizens United decision by the US Supreme Court, which prohibits the federal government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations, associations, or labor unions, has been decried as a deadly blow to democracy by liberals when it happens to be conservatives or libertarians spending the cash. But they seem to be just fine when it is someone on their side slinging dough.

Steyer has reportedly spent millions of dollars fighting the Keystone pipeline, and intends to continue fighting battles against the use of fossil fuels through his organization. In addition to attacking Republicans, he has also been an outspoken critic of Democrats who refuse to show deference to the radical environmentalist wing of the their party.

Recent realizations about the abundance of coal, natural gas, and shale oil in North America have reawakened the dream of energy independence in the US. Much of Alabama’s economy depends on the jobs produced by a thriving energy sector, and contrary to popular belief, one can be an environmentally conscious and responsible without completely forgoing fossil fuels.

Elizabeth BeShears is the Executive Director of Alabama Citizens for Media Accountability, a non-profit watchdog group dedicated to exposing bias in the Alabama and national media.


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