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Newt Gingrich says the ‘Trump Effect’ has pushed conservative movement to a whole new level

 Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Donald Trump’s policies have had a profound effect on the conservative movement and expects his influence to continue to grow.

“I think the Trump effect has been remarkable,” Gingrich said Thursday on Fox Business’ “Varney & Co.”

“The combination of conservative judges, deregulation, tax cuts, innovation, the right policies favoring work over welfare — all of that’s come together,” Gingrich continued. “Plus having an entrepreneur in the White House has sent a sort of an emotional signal to small business leaders, entrepreneurs, creative people in the economy. We’ve had the highest positives we’ve had in many, many years.”

Gingrich also said there is a possibility of 4.1-percent growth for the U.S. economy for the second quarter, and it could lead to the lowest black unemployment numbers in history.

“There’s one report that the second quarter maybe actually be 4.1 percent growth,” he said. “If that happens, I think you’re going to see the country look up — lowest black unemployment in history.”

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