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RNC passes pro-coal, anti-enviro resolution sponsored by Alabamian

Coal Republicans

On the final day of business at the Republican National Committee’s summer meeting, the RNC passed a resolution sponsored by Alabama’s National Committeeman Paul Reynolds lambasting the President’s energy policies and expressing support for the coal industry.

The resolution “calls upon President Obama, his administration and the Environmental Protection Agency to rescind their misguided and dangerous energy policy and return to supporting the production of the proven and dependable energy source that has served our nation well for centuries – coal, which is the most reliable and the most economical energy source.”

Reynolds told Yellowhammer today that it was important for him to sponsor the amendment because coal provides thousands of jobs in Alabama and keeps energy prices low. But more importantly, Reynolds says, fighting back against the “War on Coal” means fighting back against an overreaching, out-of-control federal government that is threatening many different sectors of the U.S. economy.

“Coal mining is extremely important to Alabama’s economy,” said Reynolds. “And Obama’s ‘War on Coal’ is only the start. It is a test to see how much control the Feds can develop over established industries. The assault on the healthcare industry is well known and documented. Over the air television is in a fight to literally keep the spectrum on which it operates. Commercial radio fights daily to maintain its spectrum. The cost to construct anything that requires a government permit is outrageous. Anything that involves moving dirt requires countless thousands of dollars in useless environmental impact studies.”

“The point is,” Reynolds continued, “coal is not the only industry under attack, but we have to fight back now because the result of a federal government victory changes the economic landscape of Alabama so drastically. It is a war against the free enterprise system that built the economy we have enjoyed.”

Reynolds also warned that the Obama administration has successfully pulled together their ideological allies to advance the global warming agenda, even organizations other than environmental groups.

“For example, why does AARP want to be involved in the fight against coal usage?” Reynolds asked. “The answer is two fold, but simple. First of all, it is political payback to liberal politicians for multi-millions in federal funding and, and second, it’s a golden opportunity to enlarge the federal government.”

The Reynolds-sponsored RNC amendment is below.

[Click to enlarge]
RNC Coal Amendment

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