Mystery solved: Young supporter claims credit for ‘Boycott Byrne’ signs

(Above: Dr. Ben George takes credit for the “Boycott Byrne” signs lining the Mobile causeway)

The runoff election between Republican congressional hopefuls Bradley Byrne and Dean Young was held over a week ago with Byrne winning by a solid margin. Calls for unity among south Alabama Republicans have grown louder in the wake of Byrne’s victory — highlighted by the Alabama Patriots Tea Party endorsing Byrne — but some Young supporters remain bitter over accusations the Byrne campaign made against Young during the runoff.

Mobile CBS affiliate WKRG on Monday aired a report about “Boycott Byrne” signs appearing on the Mobile Bay Causeway, but WKRG reporter Debbie Williams was unable to verify who was behind them.

Various sources told Yellowhammer News that the signs were the work of Saraland veterinarian and political activist Dr. Ben George, an avid supporter of Mr. Young. In a phone call to Uncle Henry’s WNTM 710 AM radio show on Monday morning, George indicated he and “a small band of people” were indeed behind the signs.

“[S]ome of the people driving to work this morning in Mobile are seeing some new signs and they are saying ‘Boycott Byrne,’” George said. “Mr. Byrne told lies. He told more than one lie … This man’s lies still anger me so a small band of people has put some signs out with a new thought that say ‘Boycott Byrne.’ The man, because he is lying about that and about Democrats, appealing to Democrats and taking part in the primary and about his deal with the Chamber of Commerce. He’s lying about all that. Mr. Byrne will not use my vote to get a ride to Washington, D.C. and we’re just putting that thought out there for people and there’s a lot of complications involved with that and a lot of conversations about what to do.”

George said he wasn’t going to write in Young for the December 17 general election that has Byrne pitted against Democratic nominee Burton LeFlore. But he wouldn’t rule out voting for Leflore.

“I have never in my life voted for a Democrat,” George said. “I’m not putting it beyond me to do that here.”

George has been active in Mobile area politics throughout the years. In 2006, George was a Republican candidate for the Alabama House of Representatives. He eventually lost a runoff election to current State Rep. Chad Fincher.

He was also very engaged in the debate over whether or not to leave the Confederate flag in Mobile’s City shield. The Mobile City Council voted to remove the flag in 2001, a move that George continued to fight long after the council’s decision.

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