China is in the news a lot these days.
The Chinese coronavirus is probably the biggest issue in the 2020 presidential election.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter was a massive beneficiary of Chinese and Russian money during his father’s tenure as vice president.
The influence of foreign actors in American life is something all Americans should be on guard about. This concern is not just in Washington, D.C. and on the campaign trail. China has worked tirelessly to integrate itself into American and Alabama life.
One of the ways this is done is with the innocuously named “Confucius Institutes” on college campuses and “Confucius Classrooms” in public schools.
Recently, in response to calls for change from U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) and State Representative Tommy Hanes (R-Bryant), Alabama Schools Superintendent Dr. Eric Mackey has ordered K-12 schools to wrap up their relationships with these entities.
Mackey noted, “[B]ased on the information provided by the U.S. Departments of State and Education, I would encourage you to end any such Confucius Classroom experiences as soon as practicable, with a goal to end them at the conclusion of this semester. “
During a Monday appearance on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show,” U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) pointed out that the two Alabama universities with Confucius Institutes have been silent on the matter.
“I have had nothing, no communication from Troy or Alabama A&M that suggests to me that they’re willing to take these Confucius Institutes seriously,” he advised.
The congressman, who has sent letters to Troy University and Alabama A&M noted the silence is something he finds troubling with Troy’s proximity to Fort Rucker and Alabama A&M’s relationship with the defense industry in Huntsville. Brooks said other lawmakers have raised the issue as well, and he sees his task “to help them understand the dangers associated with those entities.”
Brooks did not stop there on China, though. He also noted that there is concern if 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is elected president because of the “Biden Family Syndicate and the millions of dollars that they have been paid by a number of different countries and in particular the Communist Chinese party.”
He added, “[T]he communist China’s lying about the dangers of COVID-19 that caused the very quick and widespread of COVID-19 with the hundreds of thousands of deaths related to COVID-19.”
Brooks wants Alabama’s colleges and universities to understand what all Americans should know at this point, and that is the behavior of the Communist Chinese Party over the last many years is “not the conduct of a friend.”
Dale Jackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a talk show from 7-11 AM weekdays on WVNN.