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Mike Rogers on Alabama’s record high gas prices: ‘Biden is starting to rival Jimmy Carter for the worst president ever’

Alabama’s $4.24 average price per regular gallon of gasoline marks the state’s highest-ever recorded fuel cost, according to AAA Gas Prices.

The spike in fuel costs have led to increased criticism of President Joe Biden’s reversal of Trump-era energy policies in favor of the left’s environmental agenda.

On his first day in office, Biden withdrew the Trump-approved permit for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline which would have allowed North American-produced crude oil to be transported to various regions across the United States. Additionally, the Biden administration paused the issuance of new oil and gas leases and permits to drill on federal lands and waters.

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks), who has consistently taken the Biden administration to task over its energy policies, issued a statement Tuesday blasting the president over current fuel costs.

Rogers, the lead Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, noted the Biden administration’s attempt to purchase oil from dictatorial regimes rather than utilize domestic energy sources.

“As gas prices continue to rise, Joe Biden is starting to rival Jimmy Carter for the worst president ever,” proclaimed Rogers. “President Trump made our nation energy independent by using our vast natural resources. What’s frustrating is that Joe Biden has restricted our ability to produce oil and gas here at home – he instead would rather buy oil from the middle east or Venezuela.”

Rogers expressed his desire for the Biden administration to adopt measures that return to the previous administration’s policies to promote American energy independence.

“Folks in Alabama don’t need Joe Biden’s Green New Deal nonsense – what they need is to be able to fill up their tanks so they can get to work without paying an arm and leg. Joe Biden needs to put America first just like President Trump did,” concluded the congressman.

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL

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